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500,000 in Satania. [1] Directed by Council of Equilibrium. [2]
Assisted Life Carriers on Urantia. [3] Building of Salvington in 1 billion years. [4] Enabled apostles to see transfiguration. [5] Formation of Andronover. [6] Healing at sundown. [7] Materialization of Melchizedek. [8]
Accelerate or retard energy currents; like catalytic agents. [9] Activate energy-matter. [10] Adjust energies essential to interplanetary transport and communication. [11] Build morontia temples. [12] Can work with secondary midwayers. [13] Chief serves on Jerusem executive council. [14] Distribute power to inhabited worlds. [15] Elevate mortal bodies into atmosphere for fusion. [16] Formulate and control mechanical-nonteachable mind, preadjutant mind levels. [17] Function in batteries of millions. [18] Humanize midwayers in life and light. [19] In charge of energy on individual worlds. [20] Insulate planets against powerful energy currents. [21] Light, heat, energize architectural spheres. [22] Make midwayers visible in light and life. [23] Mobilize, transform, manipulate, and transmit nearly all physical energies. [24] Modify revolutions of primary units of matter to create morontia substance. [25] Readjust worlds in light and life. [26] Render Planetary Princes visible. [27] Serve on archangel commission of Life Carrier transmutation. [28] Serve throughout grand universe. [29] Some may react to impulses of Universal Absolute. [30] Superuniverse types partially control 30 gravita energy systems. [31] Transmute power for mortals on worlds where respiration impossible. [32]
In personality registers. [33] Infinite Spirit ministers to primitive mind through. [34] Master Spirit Number Five is adviser to. [35] Meet at minor sector headquarters. [36] Mobile subordinates of Supreme Power Centers. [37]
Absent from occasions of rejoicing. [38] Antigravity endowments. [39] Direct offspring of Supreme Power Centers. [40] Part of God the Sevenfold. [41] Thoroughly businesslike in all their reactions. [42] Traverse local space like Solitary Messengers. [43] Undergo no training; all created in perfection; no evolution.
In ranks. [44] Not subject to administrative direction by superuniverse government. [45] On Edentia and Jerusem. [46] Subject to divine executioners of conciliating commissions. [47] Technician seraphim are liaisons with. [48]
Utilize calculations of physicists. [49]
See also: UB 29:4; UB 41:2; UB 116:5.2; UB 29:4.