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Administrative center for 1 trillion inhabitable worlds. [1] Ancients of Days occupy point of spiritual polarity. [2] Capital of Orvonton, our superuniverse. [3] Day is 30 Urantia days; year is 3000 Urantia days. [4] Energy directionized to local universes from. [5]
70 symbols in alphabet; 1 billion concept symbols. [6] Learned before residency on Jerusem. [7] Thought recorder celestial artisans record in. [8]
200,000 light years from Jerusem. [9] Divine Counselor required 109 days to travel from. [10] Favorably constituted for star students; no gigantic suns nearby. [11] In dense diameter of Milky Way. [12] Near center of its space segment. [13] Orvonton rotates around Uversa. [14]
Personality register. [15]
1 billion student visitors. [16] 1 million star students. [17] 8 million Celestial Recorders. [18] 70 reserve corps. [19] 138 billion Havona Servitals. [20] Ascenders are 3rd stage spirits on. [21] Permanent citizenship. [22]
Ruled by 3 Ancients of Days. [23] Supreme Being will function from Uversa when superuniverses are settled in light and life. [24] Surrounded by 7 clusters of 70 spheres each. [25] Temple of wisdom. [26] Uversa Council of Equilibrium dispatched Master Force Organizer to Andronover. [27] Uversa satellites are finishing school. [28]
See also: UB 44:4.2-3.