In loneliness or with the fellows of my kind, I find comfort in the 23rd Psalm reference. [1] Even in loneliness, know that Father is always with us, bringing peace and eternal joy. [2]
Jesus' humanity remained attuned to the profound weight of loneliness, shame, and perceived failure, drawing strength from memories of his earthly ministry in Nazareth, Capernaum, Mount Hermon, and the Sea of Galilee. [3] No God-knowing mortal can ever be lonely, for the Father walks beside him through the cosmos, and the journey itself is the presence of the Supreme. [4] The Creators well know that mortals come from social races and it is not good for man to be alone, provision is made for companionship on Paradise. [5]
Religion cures spiritual loneliness by enfranchising believers as sons of God and citizens of a meaningful universe, aligning them with the Infinite's plan and the Eternal's purpose. [6]
Ascending in the universe requires mastering the art of teamwork, for the higher we ascend, the more lonely we are without our fellows who foster and promote collaboration among all beings in Orvonton. [7]