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7 higher spirit influences. [1] Adjusters assigned just prior to 6th birthday. [2]
Afterlives of all types very similar. [3] Denominated “ascending sons” after fusion. [4] Denominated “faith sons” prior to fusion. [5] Do not return to planet of nativity in same dispensation. [6]
Summary of ascension career. [7] Survival. [8] Those with personal guardians may be repersonalized independent of dispensational adjudications. [9]
All are bipeds. [10] All are of animal origin, not wholly unlike Urantians. [11] All surviving mortals are assigned guardians of destiny. [12] Architects of their own eternal destiny. [13] Ascended from seaweed. [14] Can feel undiminished impact of Father’s love. [15] Celestial artisans sometimes help gifted individuals. [16] Cohere in Father through Adjusters. [17]
A little lower than the angels. [18] As lowest order of intelligent personal creation. [19] As potential spirit personalities. [20] By Creator Sons and Mother Spirits. [21] In image of God. [22] Out of the living potentials of Supreme. [23] To be masterpiece of planetary creation. [24]
Creator Sons are God to. [25] Differ in innate endowments and acquired qualities. [26] Differences with animals. [27] Earn status by faith and hope. [28] Endowed with 12 senses. [29] Evolution as individuals resembles growth of the Supreme. [30] Father has given part of himself to be man’s eternal self. [31] Father’s love individualizes each. [32] Fewer function safely with self-acting Adjusters. [33] From normal worlds do not experience constant warfare between flesh and spirit. [34] Gland chemistry influences imagination, spiritual receptivity. [35] God-identification makes real. [36] God is no respecter of persons. [37]
Almost wholly material. [38] Be not discouraged by discovery you are human. [39] Cosmic mind inalienables of moral intuition, scientific curiosity, and spiritual insight. [40] Dual natures seldom fully reconciled. [41] Evil brutality lurks in. [42] Few mortals are real thinkers. [43] Jesus saw most mortals as weak, not wicked. [44] Mortals do not progress favorably in ease. [45] Mortals endowed with strong self-preservation instinct. [46] Mortals are innately social; not good to be alone. [47] Man should not bemoan lowly origin. [48] So electrically and chemically controlled, so animallike in behavior, so emotional in reactions. [49] Technique varies but disposition remains unchanged. [50] Worms of dust by nature, but divine in destiny. [51]
In God we live and move and have our being. [52] Initial life always attended by struggle. [53] Intellectually, mortals divide into subnormal, normal, and supernormal. [54] Look for possibilities in time and eternity. [55] Necessary to full function of God the Sevenfold. [56] Necessity for producing large numbers. [57] No more races will evolve from animals. [58] No surviving ancestry between frog and Eskimo. [59] Nothing infallible which humans have touched. [60] Only distinction between mortals in God’s eyes is whether desire exists to do his will. [61] Pass through short and intense test. [62] Personalities are in unbroken contact with Father through personality circuit. [63] Planetary-mortal epochs.
All types fraternize on mansion worlds. [87] Life-spans from 25 to 500 years. [88]
Adjusters loaned to. [96] Have group but not personal seraphic guardians. [97] Survive through embrace of Mother Spirit. [98] Trinitized Ambassadors help administer affairs. [99]
Adjusters loaned to; afford far more help than they give Urantia mortals. [100] Enjoy same devoted seraphic service as we do. [101] Nonbreathers are. [102] Often indwelt by virgin Adjusters. [103] On mansion worlds, speak system language by modified technique; physically different. [104] Resurrection halls on Edentia, Melchizedek sphere. [105] Supreme Being sometimes causes Adjuster bestowal. [106] Surviving souls become Spirit-fused. [107] Trinitized Ambassadors help administer. [108] Unknown why they cannot fuse with Adjusters. [109]
1-, 2-, and 3-brained types. [110] Adjuster-fusion potential. [111] Adjusters gain far more contact with 3-brained. [112] Urantians are 2-brained. [113]
Adjusters loaned to. [114] Always deteriorated in forests, tropics; progressed only in open, in higher latitudes. [115] Ancestry is lemurs, dawn mammals, mid-mammals,. Primates; man not descended from apes. [116] Andon and Fonta appeared 993,419 years ago. [117] Dawn races. [118] Discovered fire, tools; vanquished larger animals. [119] Era is long, dark, and bloody chapter. [120] Helpless victims of mores and ceremonials. [121] In ice age. [122] Lived constantly on ragged edge of a precarious and harassed existence. [123] Lived in caves, cliffs, and trees. [124] Lived in terrible and antisocial conditions. [125] Numbered 500 million 500,000 years ago. [126]
Could not grasp concept of natural death. [127] Descendants of fighting animals; enjoyed fighting; could not long live in peace. [128] Did not hold life very dear. [129] Disliked hard work. [130] Emerged from animal level when able to worship the Creator. [131] Emotions. [132] Individualistic, suspicious, quarrelsome. [133] Judge according to their enlightenment. [134] Life was a serious and sober business for. [135] Men shunned working soil. [136] Mighty hunters and fierce fighters; most heroic chapter. [137] Not overly neat and clean. [138] Only thought when hungry. [139] Prayed in dire need or when jubilant. [140] Respected knowledge, rewarded wisdom. [141] Sought supernatural explanation for all natural phenomena. [142] Would die defending their children. [143] Would not hurry. [144]
Physical characteristics. [145] Planetary Prince usually arrives about time of will development; late on Urantia. [146] Use of cow’s and goat’s milk reduced infant mortality. [147] Used passenger birds. [148] Wholly tribal government. [149] Would burn up accumulated wealth to create impression. [150]
Received so little of Adam’s life plasm. [151] Role of adjutant mind-spirits. Selfhood of. [152] Some lack capacity for intelligent worship of Deity. [153] Son-fused mortals. Sons of God. [154] Spirit-fused mortals. Spiritual influences impinging upon. Spiritually equal before God. [155] Those with no capacity for sonship reckoned with animals. [156] Time and space enable mortals to coexist with the Infinite. [157] Virgin Adjusters seldom assigned to persons of unquestioned survival capacity. [158]
See also: UB 30:4; UB 31:3.4; UB 15:6.16; UB 49:2-5.