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Ability to comprehend is passport to Paradise. [1] Also known as Eternal Isle, Isle of Light. [2] Amida Buddha teaching of. [3] Awakening on Paradise as resident is mortal’s 6th jubilee. [4] Broadcasts of. [5] Deities of Paradise transcend time and space. [6] Father acts as controller through gravity of. [7] Father has a place for all on. [8] Father has concentrated all potential for cosmic reality in. [9] Father’s house. [10] From Urantia, Paradise is located through center of Milky Way. [11]
2 billion year space-force cycles. [12] Absoluta flows into and out of. [13] Absolute gravity circuits not related to force center of. [14] Acts as a gigantic heart directing currents to all space. [15] All emanations of nether Paradise respond to Paradise gravity. [16]
Deity Absolute does not function on nether Paradise. [21] Dominated by focalized presence of Unqualified Absolute. [22] Force-charge of space responds to. [23] Grand universe depends upon energies from. [24] Material gravity convergence. [25] Not all energies come from. [26] Personalities not present on. [27] Physical-energy, cosmic-force circuits originate on. [28] Seven Master Spirits not involved with. [29]
Historic and prophetic exhibit areas for each local universe. [30] Master Spirits’ power focuses slowly circulate around. [31] Non-pervaded space nearly impinges upon. [32] Personality transports utilize. [33] Seven Supreme Power Directors stationed on. [34]
Father resides at center of. [38]
Goal for all supermaterial personalities. [39] Havona is a perfect revelation of. [40] Infinite Spirit exerts personal presence on. [41]
Ascender’s identification with spirit values is complete on. [42] Ascenders’ nonresidential excursions to. [43] Beings indigenous to Paradise incapable of depletion. [44] Certainty of warm welcome upon arrival. [45] Chance meeting on Paradise reveals more than could be communicated in 1000 years. [46] Conduct wholly spontaneous and free. [47] Confusion never appears. [48] Divine rest essential to enjoyment of. [49] Entails responsibilities of new and higher order. [50] God discernably present on. [51] High-speed instructional techniques. [52] Inexpressibly strange to new residents. [53] Knowledge inherent. [54] No need for humor. [55] Nothing is experimental on. [56] Organization of working groups. [57] Pilgrims may visit Paradise without undergoing transition rest. [58] Residency attained only after terminal sleep of time. [59] Sacred spheres of Paradise emit light to Paradise. [60] Service also plays essential part. [61] Vast sanctuary of divine service. [62]
Absoluta is primal endowment of. [63] Absolutum is literal substance of. [64] All matter comes from Paradise and is drawn toward Paradise. [65] All things are present on P.; space and time are nonexistent. [66] An Absolute of Infinity. [67] An Absolute of actuality. [68] Control adequate for infinite universe. [69] Counterpoise to Eternal Son. [70] Does not bestow pattern. [71] Energy and spirit are one on. [72] Energy proceeds from, returns to, and is fashioned after, Paradise. [73] Exists at definite geographic location; geographic center of infinity, dwelling place of God. [74] Forces and energies of Paradise. [75] Infinite Spirit activates pattern of. [76] Is not a person. [77] Is not conscious. [78] Is not Deity or creator. [79] Is stationary. [80] Large enough to accommodate an almost infinite creation. [81] Master pattern for all universes in organization and destiny. [82] Material fulcrum of infinity. [83] Material light obeys circular-gravity presence of. [84] Material sphere as well as spiritual abode. [85] Matter, mind, and spirit are co-ordinate on. [86] Member of triodity of actuality. [87] Midspace zones impinge on P.; space does not. [88] Mind is absolute on. [89] Monota is living nonspiritual energy system. [90] Motion not inherent on. [91] Motionless nucleus between pervaded and unpervaded space. [92] Never-beginning, never-ending, never-moving, never-changing. [93] Not in space; space exists relative to. [94] Nuclear Isle of absolute stability. [95] Of single constitution. [96] Part of God the Sevenfold. [97] Perfection undiluted on. [98] Power and energy evidence stability of. [99] Realization-revelation of I AM force. [100] Responds to all physical changes of universes. [101] Shape is ellipsoidal, 1/6 longer north-south than east-west; essentially flat, only 1/10 as deep as it is wide. [102] Source and focal point of absolute material gravity. [103] Time nonexistent on. [104] Tranosta is energy system on. [105] Unique; Paradise is just Paradise. [106] Universe direction established by north-south axis. [107] Universes cohere in. [108] Upholds all things material. [109]
No short cuts or easy paths to. [110]
Appeared simultaneously with Eternal Son. [111] Differentiation from I AM. [112] Existed from eternity. [113] Father is eternity-source of. [114]
Personalities pass through sacred spheres of Spirit on journeys to and from Paradise. [115] Primary supernaphim are angels of. [116] Probationary nursery children constitute permanent ascendant. Citizenship of. [117] Reflectivity focuses on. [118] Rest of. Reveals infinity potential of Father’s nonpersonal self. [119] Sacred spheres of Paradise. Senior Architect of Master Universe co-ordinates all below level of Deity. [120] Space is bestowal of. [121] Triunity membership. [122] Unqualified Absolute is regulator and repository of all that originates in. [123] Values and realities of. [124]
See also: UB 11; UB 11:5; UB 11:5.2-7; UB 42:2.4,7; UB 11:4; UB 11:3; UB 0:4.11-13.