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3 superfinite possibilities for manifestation. [1] Creation of creature-trinitized sons precipitates out everything possible of a single divine ideal. [2] Creation of Majeston imparted new personality prerogatives to. [3] Dependent upon steadfastness of mortal decision-actions in doing will of God. [4] Derives from divinity successes of Supreme Creators, God the Sevenfold. [5] Destiny is perfection. [6] From union of creative power of Supreme Creators and potentials of Trinity. [7] God’s presence in any area proportional to presence of Supreme. [8] Grows as Creators and creatures attain Godlikeness and mastery of grand universe. [9] Growth centered on Absolutes of actuality, predicated on Absolutes of potentiality. [10] Havona is perfect pattern for. [11] Involved in developments within Deity, Universal, and Unqualified Absolutes. [12] Master Spirit Number Seven functions as source of personal and spiritual nature of. [13] Prepersonal work of adjutant mind-spirits does not repercuss in. [14] Supreme is volitional, creative participant in his own deity actualization. [15] Supreme will become sovereign when superuniverses attain light and life, superseding Ancients of Days; rule from Uversa. [16]
End will come to growth of the Supreme. [17] Future of the Supreme. [18] Future sovereignty of the Supreme will be like that of Master Michaels in their universes. [19] Hitherto non-ascending cherubim, Morontia Companions, may progress. [20] May assume direct control of superuniverses in light and life. [21] Probable that 7 finaliter corps will be directed by the Supreme. [22] Repentant rebels may enjoy larger function. [23] Superuniverses will no longer be isolated from each other. [24] Supreme will function under overcontrol of the Ultimate. [25] Supreme will some day be definitely contactable at some specific locality. [26] Trinity Ultimate is immediate destiny of the Supreme. [27]
Upon attainment of perfected self-realization by all persons plus perfected equilibrium of universes. [28] Upon exhaustion of all finite potentials; at end of present universe age. [29] Will constitute eternal fusion of finite and infinite. [30] Will emerge when all live the full will of God. [31]
And Paradise Deity. [32] And sevenfold controllers. [33] Consists of nonpersonal aspects of Supreme Being. [34] Power potentials of the Supreme unified with spiritual nature in Havona. [35] Power unification of grand universe Creators. [36] Supreme Being functioning outside Havona. [37]
Brahmanic doctrine very close to. [38] Compound manipulators of celestial artisans dedicated to discovering. [39]
Companies initially serve in superuniverses other than those of origin to learn more of. [40] Experience self-realization through revealing the Supreme. [41] Finaliter transcendation permits them to recognize the Supreme. [42] Finaliters are children of the Supreme. [43] Know the Supreme by experience. [44] The Supreme will be personally discovered when all creatures simultaneously find him. [45] Some attempt to trinitize realities of Almighty Supreme. [46] Will become 7th stage spirits upon attainment of the Supreme. [47]
Anticipates future evolution as Immanence of Projected Incomplete. [48] Catalyzer and focus of all universe growth. [49] Connects finite with absonite. [50] Controls domain of power, energy, and matter. [51] Cosmic mind evolving in. [52] Creation of Majeston is sole instance of direct creation. [53] Functioned as person on spiritual levels in Havona before creation of superuniverses. [54] Functions directly as creator only upon exhaustion of finite possibilities. [55] Initiated changes in Havona in response to Grandfanda’s arrival. [56] Integrates all celestial influences impinging on mortals. [57] Involved in creation of Graduate Guides and tertiary supernaphim. [58] Involvement in reflectivity. [59] Manifests regard for the whole, not for the part. [60] Overcontrol of the Supreme not wholly predictable. [61] Providence is domain of. [62] Retains records of human life as it was lived. [63] Seven Master Spirits are repository of mind potential, unexercised sovereignty of. [64] Seven Spirits of Havona Circuits created in response to purpose of. [65] Seven Supreme Power Directors are repository for power potential. [66] Sometimes causes Adjuster bestowal on non-fusion worlds. [67] Tertiary function in outer space. [68]
Bestows understanding and insight to limit of creature’s capacity. [69] Experiential Deity expressed in spirit person of. [70] Experiential unification of all grand universe divinity occurs in person of. [71] Most Highs lead Edentia in worship of. [72] Personal spirit reflection of Trinity in Havona. [73]
Infinite Spirit compensates for incompleteness of. [74] Master Spirit Number Seven compensates for Havona pilgrims’ inability fully to find. [75] Master Spirit Number Seven represents. [76] Member of 1st experiential Trinity. [77] Member of 2nd experiential Trinity. [78]
Aspired to rule as embodiment of the Supreme. [79] Creature bestowals augmented evolving sovereignty of the Supreme;. Are new revelation of the Supreme. [80] Is possessed of unlimited capacity to experience the Supreme. [81]
Acceptance of cosmic citizenship is recognition of progressive obligations to. [82] Achievement prerequisite to status with; action essential to consciousness of kinship with. [83] Adjuster fusion constitutes man a living part of. [84] As mortals desire to find God, they become conscious of the Supreme. [85] Ascenders achieve power comprehension of the Supreme on superuniverse capitals. [86] Ascenders achieve understanding of the Supreme on 6th Havona circuit. [87] Finding the Supreme will be like returning home. [88] Great challenge is to make personal contribution to. [89] Implies co-ordination with attainments of all other beings. [90] Incompletion of universe makes inaccessible. [91] Mortals can reveal the Supreme to fellows. [92] Mortals evolve in the Supreme, the Supreme evolves in mortals. [93] Mortals live, move, and have their being within immanence of the Supreme. [94] Mortals will sometime share evolutionary perfection of. [95] Planetary allegiance to the Supreme in light and life. [96] Psychic circles increases consciousness of the Supreme. [97] Search for the Supreme in hearts of all other men. [98]
All of infinity and Deity finite creatures could ever comprehend. [99] Almighty sovereign of 7 superuniverses. [100] Attaining capacity for experience, the Supreme becomes subject to necessity for. [101] Avenue through which Father’s love flows outward to all creation. [102] Aware of all things. [103] Consists in spirit, mind, power, and experience. [104] Copes with problems of finite in total sense. [105] Creature experience, superuniverse subjugation part of. [106] Deity embodiment of exhaustion of finite evolution; mosaic composite of total creature-Creator nature. [107] Deity summation of finite natures of Absolute Actual and Absolute Potential. [108] Divine personalization of all universe experience. [109] Evolutionary and divine inevitability. [110] Evolutionary unification of experiential Deity. [111] Evolving Deity of power and personality. [112] Fact and value unified in. [113] Finite synthesis of perfect-Creator cause and perfecting-creature response. [114] Fruits of spirit are substance of the Supreme. [115] God and man need each other to fulfill destiny in the Supreme. [116] Had beginning but will not have end. [117] Highest finite manifestation of total will of God. [118] Immanence of the Projected Incomplete. [119] Indispensable focalizer, summarizer, and encompasser of evolutionary experience, of energy, mind, and. Spirit. [120] Jesus’ definition. [121] Manifestation of divine ubiquity. [122] Mind of the Supreme converges in Majeston. [123] Ministry is that of God the Sevenfold. [124] Nearest approach to Deity, Trinity by finite creatures. [125] Now personally present in Havona. [126] Our Universal Mother. [127] Oversoul of creation. [128] Personalities of nonsurvivors absorbed into. [129] Personality consequence of all evolution. [130] Personality synthesis of finite matter, mind, and spirit in grand universe. [131] Pre-Paradise Deity. [132] Present in Havona. [133] Real now to God the Sevenfold. [134] Revelation of unity of the I AM. [135] Seeks correlation inward toward Paradise and outward toward infinity. [136] Self-acting upon, self-reactive to, the universe. [137] Source of Havona’s time-space unity. [138] Spirit ministries unified in. [139] Spirit person of the evolving God of all creatures. [140] Strives in and with us for divine self-realization. [141] The finite God. [142] Treats experiential children as one cosmic total. [143] Truth, beauty, and goodness. [144] Unifies evolutionary approach to Father. [145] Universe approach to transcend finite limitations. [146] Wholly experiential; completely experiencible. [147]
Physical universes symbolic of. [148] Power centers associated with cosmic overcontrol of. [149] Reflective Image Aids represent. [150] Relation to triodities. [151]
God the Supreme and the Almighty Supreme, unified by Supreme Mind constitute. [152] Supreme Being, God the Supreme, and the Almighty Supreme are the same reality. [153]
Taoist teachings regarding. [154]
Is source of the Supreme. [155] The Supreme depends on absolute stability of Trinity. [156] The Supreme is experiential spirit personalization of. [157] Trinity collaborates with the Supreme, not the Father, Son, or Spirit individually. [158] Trinity is to the Supreme what Adjuster is to mortal. [159]
See also: UB 115; UB 116; UB 117; UB 0:2.15; UB 0:7; UB 10:7; UB 116.