Urantiapedia is a collaborative website based on Wiki.js with the purpose of being a unified center for the dissemination of all knowledge regarding The Urantia Book.
¶ About registering on Urantiapedia and Blue Fields
If you want to collaborate on this project, the best way to contact us is by email at urantiapedia@gmail.com. Send a message stating your interest in the project and the Administrators will give you access.
Another way that will be available soon is through registration on the website Blue Fields, which is a website that has been created to unite and organize readers of The Urantia Book who wish to participate in intelligent, purposeful, and altruistic projects around the world. Once registered, the project team will contact you. The Urantiapedia project on Blue Fields can be accessed here: Urantiapedia on Blue Fields. However, this website is not 100% operational so contact via email is recommended.
GitHub is a platform for version control in collaborative projects, especially code or web content projects.
The Urantiapedia project on GitHub (https://github.com/JanHerca/urantiapedia) is a project that contains all of the content of the website, as well as an application (Urantiapedia Tools) to help automate content creation. The Urantiapedia-backup project (https://github.com/JanHerca/urantiapedia-backup) is the mechanism used to be able to perform mass uploads of content.
users with knowledge of The Urantia Book at least in one language in which it is published, and preferably with a good level of the English version.
users who wish to collaborate selflessly in the incorporation of information related to The Urantia Book in Urantiapedia.
Admin users are the only ones in charge of bulk-uploading changes to the Urantiapedia website during each milestone of the project. More about project milestones in Milestones of the project.
“Editor-in-Chief” creates a fork (a copy in its own account) of Urantiapedia project on GitHub (https://github.com/JanHerca/urantiapedia) and Urantia-backup project on GitHub (https://github.com/JanHerca/urantiapedia-backup). The first is a project that contains all the files. The second contains only the files that are synchronized with the Urantiapedia website.
“Editor-in-Chief” creates a local copy of both projects on PC. The local copy must be of the latest version of Urantiapedia content (the master branch). This is done first through a clone action and later through pulls actions to the project, that downloads any change to the local copy.
“Editor-in-Chief” makes changes in the local copy to the files indicated in this manual and in the way explained. “Editor-in-Chief” makes commmits to the local copy.
“Editor-in-Chief” sends changes to his GitHub account through a push action.
“Editor-in-Chief” performs a pull request in GitHub web to the original projects.
The pull requests of “Editors-in-Chief” are reviewed by “Administrators”, who are in charge of doing a merge with the main branch (master) of all those changes that are correct. Any changes that are not correct will be rejected and “Editors-in-Chief” will be notified to fix them.
When changes that are OK and “Administrator” has done the merge, any changes to the Urantiapedia-backup project are automatically synchronized with the website. Now changes are visible to all, in order to check and validate that they are correct.
The process is repeated as many times as needed, returning to point 2.