Neanderthal descendants of Andon in Europe quickly absorbed invading blue race. [1] The Adamites ruthlessly exterminated Neanderthal strains to unite with higher types of the blue race, producing superior Cro-Magnons. [2]
The blue race was greatly retarded by absorption of Neanderthal, but they were otherwise the most aggressive, adventurous, and exploratory of all evolutionary peoples in Eurasia. [3] The yellow race destroyed or drove out Neanderthalers from Asia, allowing the red man to reign supreme for almost one hundred thousand years. [4]
For 500,000 years, Neanderthalers dominated the world as excellent fighters, traveling extensively to spread from India to France, China, and northern Africa. [5] Neanderthalers feared darkness so greatly that they resorted to human sacrifices to bring back the moon's light. [6] Neanderthal peoples greatly improved work in flint by utilizing reindeer horns and bones for tools. [7]
The early Neanderthalers in eastern Asia were contaminated with debased animal strains, eventually pushed out by the arrival of later migrating yellow tribes. [8]
The Neanderthal races retrogressed and had no religion, only superstition, as they drifted on for almost a quarter of a million years during the spiritually dark ages. [9]
See also: UB 64:4.