Dinosaurs buried in India are part of a global distribution spanning multiple continents. [1]
180 million years ago, India was mostly covered by the southern Pacific Ocean during the Carboniferous period, contributing to the formation of rich fossil beds in the region. [2] India, birthplace of man, where Andon and Fonta were born. [3] In the Siwalik Hills of northern India, fossils closest to transition man are found near the Badonan peoples. [4]
India's inability to dominate Eurasia was due to geographical constraints limiting population movement. [5]
The eastern mountains favored trade with the Occident, ensuring that India has never been entirely out of touch with Mesopotamia on the west and China to the east within the last ten thousand years. [6] India greatly benefited from the passage of Chinese-Mesopotamian trade due to the exchange of knowledge and resources between these distant centers. [7] Dravidian trade with Sumeria connected river valleys in India and coastal settlements in the Western Ghats. [8]
The growth of commerce transformed the migrating Andites from hunters to traders, leading to the development of urban life in various regions from Egypt to China and India. [9]
In India, age restrictions on marriage are nonexistent, leading to varied marriage customs among tribes ranging from marrying young men to older women to preventing mating between similar age groups. [10] The civilization of India remained stagnant in 15,000 B.C. [11] Van withdrew to the highlands west of India, where the followers planned the rehabilitation of the world. [12]
See also about Badonan tribes.
India stands as the sole location on Urantia where all the various races were melded, resulting in the most diverse and heterogeneous race mixture in history. [13]
The Neanderthalers, Adamsonites, and Aryans were among the invaders in India who dominated the world for almost half a million years, until the times of the migration of evolutionary races of color. [14] India's original caste system was based on color. [15]
India, the cosmopolitan home of secondary Sangik peoples, became a melting pot of diverse races with a culture slightly above that of the outlying regions. [16] Pre-Dravidian India's diverse population, including green, orange, and black races, upheld a cultural level slightly superior to neighboring areas. [17] The red race left an imprint in India and Europe before isolating in America about 85,000 years ago. [18]
India has some Caucasoid inheritance due to the primary and secondary Sangik admixture, Andonic crossing, and Andite blend of Nodite and Adamic stocks present in certain Indian peoples. [19]
The Andites, migrating to India in 15,000 B.C., greatly influenced the northern groups of the Saharan Sangik peoples. [20]
Adam's blood was more readily shared with the blue races of Europe, as the mixed races of India and the darker peoples of Africa were not attractive to the Adamites. [21] The Andite infiltration of India proceeded from Turkestan into the Punjab, marking a significant historical migration. [22] By 10,000 B.C., the Andite conquerors had been submerged, improving the mass through absorption despite rigid intermarriage restrictions. [23] 20,000 B.C.: Western India, tinged with Adamic blood, combined diverse races, lacking primary Sangik strains for potential civilization. [24]
The cultural influence of the Aryan conquerors in India was ultimately absorbed by the Dravidians, leading to the persistence of the great social castes and the stagnation of spiritual progress. [25]
In India, basic racial types are represented in a blend of Caucasoid, Mongoloid, and Negroid ancestry, with skeletal characteristics persisting to identify present-day human races. [26] The lower strata in south India hindered the potential for cultural and commercial greatness seen in the early race mixtures of the region. [27] India's versatile people were comatose under unprogressing spiritual vision, failing to produce the high civilization foreshadowed in earlier times. [28]
In India, Hindu, Sikh, Mohammedan, and Jain beliefs shape views of God, man, and the universe, while China and Japan follow Taoist, Confucian, and Shinto teachings. [29]
The mixed Dravidian people of India, born from the blending of Andite conquerors and natives, once possessed great cultural achievements but saw their potential weaken as their Andite heritage diminished, ultimately dooming their civilization twelve thousand years ago. [30] In India, harmful vows were once made to seek extra credits on the self-denial ledgers of the gods. [31] Hinduism's adaptability and tolerant attitude have allowed it to survive as an integral part of India's social fabric. [32] The worship of animals, including Vishnu with a horse's head, symbolizes forgotten gods and ancient beliefs. [33] India's influence on religions and philosophies of eastern Asia parallels the Levant's impact on Occidental faiths. [34]
The Brahmans' impotent hypothesis led to a spiritually debilitating doctrine of eternal escape through union with Brahman, perpetuating a sense of spiritual hopelessness in India for over two millennia. [35] The library at Alexandria held manuscripts from India, among other civilizations, showcasing the vast collection of Indian literature in the world. [36]
Ganid and Gonod, a father and his son that traveled with Jesus to Rome, were citizens of India. [37] In India, there is a critical need for the Jesusonian gospel of the Fatherhood of God and the brotherhood of all men, devoid of Occidental dogmas. [38] Nathaniel preached in India, spreading the teachings of his Master and baptizing believers, ultimately dying there. [39] It was regrettable that no Peter or Paul went to India, where the spiritual soil was favorable for planting the seed of the new gospel. [40]
The east wind is a devil in India, bringing dust and causing drought, while in South America it is a god bringing rain. [41] In India, a group of 5 stones is reverenced, while in Greece it is a cluster of thirty. [42]
The Kateri people of southern India continue to worship sacred stones, as did ancient tribes in northern India and biblical figures like Jacob and Rachel. [43] In India, the rainbow is worshiped by hill tribes as a symbol of celestial power and promise. [44] The snake, revered in India and beyond, holds a powerful presence in various cultures. [45] In India, stars are revered as the glorified souls of departed great men. [46] In India, a stone can be used as a witness, symbolizing veneration and power. [47] Sun worship took extensive root in India, where it persisted the longest, preceding moon worship during the hunting era. [48] In India, tree spirits are regarded as cruel, unlike in Finland where they are seen as kind. [49]
In the Dravidian era, India's religious status surpassed that of the world, shaping a potential leading civilization in culture, religion, philosophy, and commerce. [50]
The Salem missionaries brought the teachings of the one God of Melchizedek to Vedic India, challenging the polytheistic beliefs of the Brahman priesthood and ushering in a vital turning point for the country. [51]
The religious and cultural heritage of India, including monotheism, can be traced back to the entry of Sethite priests with Andite and Aryan invaders from the north, dating back to as early as 16,000 B.C. [52] Shamanism flourished in India. [53]
The spiritual awakening of 600 B.C. in India did not persist, extinguishing even before the Mohammedan invasion, but a future Gautama may emerge to guide all of India in the pursuit of the living God, revealing the cultural possibilities of a people long dormant under the stagnant spiritual perspective. [54] Among the Hindus, the Trinity teachings of Sethites and Salemites manifested as Being, Intelligence, and Joy, evolving into Brahma, Siva, and Vishnu. [55]