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Benefited by passage of Chinese-Mesopotamian trade. [1] Birthplace of man; Andon and Fonta born in. [2] Dinosaurs buried in. [3] Dravidian trade with Sumeria. [4] Eastern mountains favored trade with Occident. [5] Failed to achieve hegemony of Eurasia. [6] Fossils nearest to transition man. [7] Ganid and Gonod citizens of. [8] Geology. [9] Growth of commerce. [10] Library at Alexandria held manuscripts from. [11] No age restrictions on marriage. [12]
Migrated to India in 15,000 B.C. [13] Mixed races of India not attractive to Adamites. [14] Proceeded from Turkestan into the Punjab. [15] Submerged by 10,000 B.C. [16] Western India tinged with Adamic blood. [17]
Aryan conquerors absorbed by Dravidians. [18] Badonan tribes. Basic racial types represented. [19] Caste systems based on color. [20] Cosmopolitan home of secondary Sangik peoples. [21] Invasions by Andites, Neanderthalers, Adamsonites, and Aryans. [22] Lower strata in south. [23] Mohammedan invasion. [24] Most heterogeneous race mixture ever to exist. [25] Pre-Dravidian India. [26] Red race left imprint. [27] Some Causacoid inheritance. [28] Versatile people comatose under unprogressing spiritual vision. [29]
Divided among Hindu, Sikh, Mohammedan, Jain. [30] Dravidian. [31] Harmful vows. [32] Hinduism integral part of social fabric. [33] Hindus show Vishnu with horse’s head. [34] India gave rise to religions, philosophies of east Asia. [35] Left helpless by impotent Brahman hypothesis. [36]
Great need for Jesusonian gospel. [37] Nathaniel preached in India. [38] Regrettable no Peter or Paul went to. [39]
East wind is devil. [40] Group of 5 stones reverenced. [41] Kateri people still worship a stone. [42] Rainbow worshiped. [43] Snake revered. [44] Stars regarded as glorified souls of great men. [45] Stone can be used as witness. [46] Sun worship took extensive root. [47] Tree spirits regarded as cruel. [48]
Religious status far above world at large in Dravidian era. [49] Salem teachings in Vedic India. [50] Sethites entered India with Andite, Aryans. [51] Shamanism flourished in. [52] Spiritual awakening of 600 B.C. did not persist. [53] Trinity teachings of Sethites and Salemites. [54]
Stagnant in 15,000 B.C. [55] Van withdrew to highlands west of. [56]