Andón and Fonta are the true parents of all mankind. [1] They lived at the beginning of the third ice age, in a difficult and invigorating environment. [2] Both were born in what is now India. [3]
His father was killed by hostile gibbon monkeys. [4] They were a great test for their Primates parents. [5] They were never popular with their Primates cousins. [6] The parents were among the most intelligent group of Primates, the first to learn to throw stones and use clubs. [7]
They almost lost their lives on numerous occasions because of their great curiosity. [8] Urantia's memorable day occurred when both twins met one day at noon, and made the decision to flee their clan. [9] Received definitive names from the archangel who announced the inhabited state for Urantia. [10] The names they gave themselves were Sonta-an, loved by the mother, and Sonta-en, loved by the father. [11]
Andón and Fonta had a total of 19 children. [12] The Eskimos are the only survivors of the race that formed Andon and Fonta, the Andonites. [13]
Andon was the discoverer of fire. [14] Andón taught how to solve controversies by beating a tree; the first to break the stick was the winner. [15] Andón's philosophy was very confused; both were almost fire worshipers. [16] Developed an improved language of signs and words. [17] Both possessed a personality. [18] Were inhabited by Adjusters. [19]
Both died at the age of 42 from a rockslide during an earthquake. [20] Although the loss of Andon and Fonta would not have prevented human evolution, it would have retarded it. [21] Both succeeded in merging with their Adjusters on Jerusem. [22] Both achieved eternal survival and still reside on Jerusem. [23] They have never returned to Urantia, although they have tried to send greetings to all Urantians at the time of writing The Urantia Book. [24] Now they are in charge of welcoming pilgrims from Urantia on the first mansion world. [25]
See also: UB 63; UB 62.5; UB 136:4.5.