Blue race is what today is called Cro-Magnoids. [1]
The early blue men were responsive to the persuasions of the teachers of Prince Caligastia’s staff and were thrown into great confusion by the subsequent perverted teachings of those traitorous leaders. [2] The blue man most of all profited by the Dalamatia teachings, the red man to some extent, and the black man least of all. [3]
The blue men were scattered all over Europe, but their better centers of culture were situated in the then fertile valleys of the Mediterranean basin and in northwestern Europe. [4]
In Mexico, Central America, and in the mountains of South America the later and more enduring civilizations were founded by a race predominantly red but containing a considerable admixture of the yellow, orange, and blue. [5] The blue races, when mixed with the Andonite stock, were decidedly broad-headed. [6] Usually in all planets the blue race subdues indigo race. [7]
Man was himself at one time the beast of burden. One ruler of the blue race once had one hundred thousand men in his colony of burden bearers. [8] Blue man early tamed the elephant. [9] The blue man was partial to alphabet writing and made the greatest progress along such lines. [10]
The blue race moved northwest into Europe. They drove Andonites from Europe. [11]
Thirty-five thousand years ago the European blue races were a highly blended people carrying strains of both red and yellow, while on the Atlantic coastlands and in the regions of present-day Russia they had absorbed a considerable amount of Andonite blood and to the south were in contact with the Saharan peoples. [12] They suffered a great retard due to Neanderthal strain absorption. [13] The blue races, when mixed with the Andonite stock, were decidedly broad-headed. [14]
The earliest race mixtures in India were a blending of the migrating red and yellow races with the aboriginal Andonites. This group was later weakened by absorbing the greater portion of the extinct eastern green peoples as well as large numbers of the orange race, was slightly improved through limited admixture with the blue man, but suffered exceedingly through assimilation of large numbers of the indigo race. [15]
The Adamic descendants preferred them to all of the later persisting colored races. As the period of the early Adamic migrations ended, about 15,000 B.C., there were already more descendants of Adam in Europe and central Asia than anywhere else in the world, even than in Mesopotamia. The European blue races had been largely infiltrated. [16]
The white invaders of Europe exterminated all peoples encountered who were not quickly absorbed into their own ranks, and thus did the blue man come to an end—and quickly. [17]
In the north the Andites, through warfare and marriage, obliterated the blue men, but in the south they survived in greater numbers. The Basques and the Berbers represent the survival of two branches of this race, but even these peoples have been thoroughly admixed with the Saharans. [18]
Slowly the migrating sons of Eden united with the higher types of the blue race, invigorating their cultural practices while ruthlessly exterminating the lingering strains of Neanderthal stock. This technique of race blending, combined with the elimination of inferior strains, produced a dozen or more virile and progressive groups of superior blue men, one of which are the Cro-Magnons. [19] The strongholds of the blue man which persisted longest were in southern France, but the last great military resistance was overcome along the Somme. [20]
Although the European blue man did not of himself achieve a great cultural civilization, he did supply the biologic foundation which produced today white race. [21] It is a misfortune on Urantia that we so largely lost our superior blue men, except as they persist in our amalgamated “white race”. [22]
A blend of the blue man with the Andon stock produced an artistically gifted type, and many of them became master sculptors. [23] The blue man had the brain power of the red man associated with the soul and sentiment of the yellow man. [24] The blue men were hunters, fishers, and food gatherers; they were expert boatbuilders. [25]
Neanderthal absorption had greatly retarded the culture of the blue man, but he was otherwise the most aggressive, adventurous, and exploratory of all the evolutionary peoples of Eurasia. [26] The blue men were perfectly honest in all their dealings and were wholly free from the sexual vices of the mixed Adamites. [27] Like other primitive races they never completely overcome their tendency to fight among themselves. [28]
200,000 years ago Orlandof became a great teacher among the blue race and led many of the tribes back to the worship of the true God under the name of the “Supreme Chief. [29] Orlandof is one of 24 counselors in Jerusem. [30]
See also: UB 64:6.21-24.