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Calcium rides light beams. [1] Can penetrate oceans to 600 feet. [2] Comet’s tail pointing away proves light has weight. [3] Economical at $1,000,000/pound. [4] Escapes suns only with aid of X rays. [5] Explosive when confined at high temperatures. [6]
Distributed by Supreme Power Centers. [7] Emitted by Paradise worlds of Son to Paradise and Havona. [8] Is nonspiritual manifestation of Deities. [9] Some suns shine without heat. [10]
Not a basic energy of space. [11] Same thing as heat, electricity, magnetism, chemism, energy, and matter. [12] Science can never say what it actually is. [13] Sometimes modified by energy and matter in space. [14] Straight-line movement in space. [15] Subject to gravity of material mass, circular-gravity presence of Paradise. [16] Succession of energy particles, not waves; moves in straight lines through space. [17] Suns convert energy almost wholly into. [18] White light. [19]
Adjusters are true light that lights every man. [20] Apostles were light of world. [21] Jesus was light of world. [22] Let one’s light shine with wisdom and discretion. [23] Light can blind and confuse; should not attract attention to self. [24] Material Sons saturated with. [25] Music created by control of. [26] Not honestly lived up to becomes darkness. [27] Paradise worlds of Son directionize light to superuniverses. [28] Personality manifestation of spirit beings. [29] Primary eruption upon personalization of a local universe Mother Spirit. [30] Sermon on light of world. [31] Spirit luminosity accompanies Adjusters. [32] Spiritual luminosity of Father’s personal presence. [33] Threefold fluctuation of Deity abode. [34] Threefold light of Paradise and Havona. [35] Types are intellectual insight, spirit luminosity. [36]
See also: UB 0:6.8-9.