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Achieved high civilization apart from Andites. [1] Always monogamous. [2] Buffalo dance insured success of hunt. [3] Children require little discipline. [4] Clung to mother-family and nephew inheritance. [5] Devoted to plant theory of universal remedies. [6] Early invention of bow and arrow. [7] Exterminated mastodon. [8] First to develop elaborate wedding celebrations. [9]
Contact with Eskimos. [10] Escaped mixing with debased Neanderthal strain. [11] Full bestowal of living energy imparted to. [12] Little Adamic upstepping due to isolation. [13] Mongoloid type. [14] Original Melchizedek plan for upstepping. [15] Red strains incorporated in blue, white races. [16]
First to develop government. [17] Never understood private land ownership. [18] Northern tribes never attained statehood. [19] Peace chiefs and war chiefs. [20] Rule by council of seven. [21] Too democratic. [22]
Horse extinct in America before arrival. [23] Hunted bison. [24] In touch with activities of Planetary Prince; held Dalamatia revelation longest. [25] Isolated in 15,000 B.C. [26] Jesus personally contacted all races except. [27] Little contact with other races. [28] Meager concepts of God. [29]
7000 pure-line red race entered North America. [30] Crossed Bering isthmus to America 100,000 to 85,000 B.C. [31] Driven out of Asia by yellow race 50,000 years before Adam. [32] In Central and South America. [33] In India. [34] On Pacific islands. [35] To Asia. [36]
Most intelligent. [37] Onamonalonton was on 24 counselors. [38] Onamonalonton was the spiritual deliverer of red race. [39] Preferred pictorial writing. [40] Prereligious prayer part of manitou superstitions. [41] Rantowoc first to receive guardian of destiny. [42] Reverenced circles of stones. [43] Supreme in eastern Asia for 100,000 years before yellow tribes arrived. [44] Tenskwatawa. [45]
Blackfoot Indians. [46] Iroquois. [47] Moqui. [48] Some believed they descended from beavers, coyotes. [49]
Adopted or killed captives; did not enslave. [50] Conflict with white race. [51] Fought yellow race in Asia for 200,000 years. [52] Usually dominates early ages; subdues orange race. [53] Virtually destroyed themselves by war. [54]
Were cannibals, especially in Central America. [55]
See also: UB 64:6.3-9; UB 79:5.