“We know that all things work together for good to those who love God”. Catastrophic physical events always work out for the welfare and progress of the universes. It may be that the inexplicable circumstances of existence are all interwoven into a meaningful pattern of high value by the Supreme and the Trinity. [1]
Seraphim can and do so manipulate planetary conditions and so associate circumstances as favorably to influence the spheres of human activity to which they are attached. [2]
Jesus did not interfere with natural events nor caused supernatural events on himself. [3] He chose to live his human life in the channel of its natural course, even if it led to arrest and execution. [4]
Jesus sought to make it clear that the world is not to be regarded as an enemy; that the circumstances of life constitute a divine dispensation working along with the children of God. [5]
No matter into what great depths disheartened souls may have fallen, when they seek the light with a whole heart, the spirit of God will deliver them from their captivity; the evil circumstances of life will spew them out upon the dry land of fresh opportunities for renewed service and wiser living. [6]