Pattern, as a configuration of energy which has paid all gravity debt and is not gravity responsive, can pervade personalities, identities, entities, or nonliving matter, yet remains pattern and only creates copies. [1] Deity must always provide the pattern universe for mortal consciousness to progress from fact to meaning to value. [2] Pattern reveals the individual aspects of energy and personality, distinct from the total aspect. [3] The Eternal Son, as the pattern personality, bestows personality upon the myriads of creatures throughout the universe. [4] Havona serves as the divine pattern for all universes, created primarily for the satisfaction of the infinite Creators. [5]
In the superuniverses, only enough perfect beings are provided for the need of pattern teacher guides in the ascending evolutionary universes encircling Havona. [6]
The creative mind's dominance is evident in the formation of material mechanisms and the discovery of hidden mysteries, showcasing man's superior qualities. [7] Pattern is not transmissible, as Paradise and Havona are sources of duplication, not creation. [8]
The Eternal Son embodies absolute personality, the Conjoint Actor encompasses spirit-mind personality, but Paradise is the absolute master pattern of universal material reality. [9] Spirit patterns do not occupy space, unlike all patterns of reality, including the pattern of an idea, which is uncertain in its spatial occupation. [10]