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100 elements exist. [1] Absolute of matter converges in Father. [2]
Architects of Master Universe designed. [3] Creator Sons materialize visible matter from pre-existent space energies. [4] Force-charge of space is ancestor of all matter. [5] Gravity converts energy into matter. [6] Infinite Spirit can slow energy down to become matter. [7] Lines of gravity involved in energies of matter derived from and dependent on Paradise. [8] Master Force Organizers transmute absoluta into segregata; Universe Power Directors and gravity transmute segregata into matter. [9] Most matter originates in nebulae. [10] Power directors transmute energy into matter; organize architectural spheres. [11] Pre-electronic forms. [12] Sevenfold organization of prematter. [13] Space is womb for some forms of. [14]
Diverse manifestation of same reality as energy. [15] Energy concentrated into discrete masses. [16] Organized energy subject to linear gravity modified by motion and mind. [17] Philosophic shadow cast by mind in presence of spirit. [18] Physical presence of the Infinite. [19] Reflected shadow of spirit; skeleton of morontia. [20] Same thing as light, heat, electricity, magnetism, chemism, and energy. [21] Slowed-down energy. [22] Time-space repercussions of Paradise Pattern and Universal Mind. [23] What responds to material-gravity circuit of Paradise. [24]
Electronic energy is basis of matter. [25] Enormous amount of energy stored in matter. [26] Ever true to Father’s purpose. [27] Factors resulting in physical properties. [28] Force-charge of space makes particles appear to be waves. [29] Fully condensed in burned-out suns. [30] In space, matter proceeds in direct lines. [31] Knows not truth. [32] Mass in matter retards velocity in energy. [33] Mind always dominant over matter. [34]
Absolutes seem to supersede matter. [35] By Master Physical Controllers and Morontia Power Supervisors. [36] Conditions which disintegrate matter. [37] Formula equating matter to energy. [38] Gravitation effect on matter is inverse of square of distance. [39] Matter is organized by gravity and cold; disrupted by antigravity and heat. [40] Power directors maintain equilibrium between energy and matter by making and unmaking lesser material units. [41] Primary associators convert space energy to primitive matter. [42] Responds to linear gravity, motion, and mind. [43] Transmutations. [44]
Of all suns and planets is identical. [45] Of sacred spheres of Paradise is of unrevealed order. [46] Particles and units. Relative integrity of matter assured because energy absorbed or released in quanta. [47] Spirit dominant over matter in personality. [48] Subject to absolute-gravity of Paradise. [49] Subject to cosmic overcontrol of Unqualified Absolute. [50] Suns convert matter into energy. [51] Types of matter are ultimatonic, subelectronic, electronic, subatomic, shattered atoms, ionized, atomic, molecular, radioactive, collapsed. [52] Units are stable yet efficiently flexible. [53] Vast amount of matter circulates in space. [54] Work which resting mattercan perform. [55]