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All things work together for good. [1] Domain of Infinite Spirit and Supreme Being. [2] God many times thrusts a Father’s hand into human affairs. [3]
Egyptian teaching that prosperity was reward for serving El. Shaddai. [4] Hebraic belief in. [5] Jews derived concept from Egyptians. [6] Moses was believer in. [7] Pessimism of Ecclesiastes was reaction to overoptimistic belief in. [8] Shamans viewed as custodians of providence. [9]
Inexorable function of other-than-personal overcontrol of universe. [10] Interlocking activities of celestial beings who labor for honor of God and advancement of his children. [11] Intervention indicates importance of a person’s function with respect to some total. [12]
Catastrophes not visitations of providence. [13] Inexplicable things of life are termed mysterious dispensations of providence. [14] Most of what mortals call providential is not. [15]
Partial and unpredictable. [16] Represents slow and sure emergence of Supreme. [17] Supinely trusting in a fictitious providence. [18]
See also: UB 76:6.4; UB 118:10.