Jesus requires the life of his disciples, even a life of loving service. [1]
Jesus subjected disciples to repeated rehearsals in disappointment and provided them with frequent and testing opportunities for choosing between the right and the wrong way of meeting spiritual trials. [2]
Disciples may return home to minister to loved ones, but it is not so with the messengers of the gospel. The latter han forsaken all to follow Jesus and proclaim the kingdom. [3] If we want be disciples of Jesus, we must be willing to forsake father, mother, wife, children, brothers, and sisters for kingdom. [4] If we are only believing disciples, we must earn our own bread and contribute to the sustenance of all who teach and preach and heal. [5] We must be unwilling to renounce all that we are and to dedicate all that we have, or you are unworthy to be his disciple. [6] Only three men who received Jesus personal call refused to accept the invitation to discipleship. [7] Disciples versus apostles: [8]
We are Jesus’ disciples if we do Father’s will, love one another. [9]