This page has not been revised yet and it is not completed in a first version. It is only a summarized placeholder for the final version.
As heavens are higher than earth, God’s ways are higher than our ways. [1] Bestowal Son establishes new and living way. [2] Commit your way to the Lord. [3] God knows all our ways. [4] God’s way is not the easy way. [5] Great Choice between good and evil. [6] Jesus’ choice between his way and Father’s way. [7] Jesus is the new and living way. [8] Let the wicked forsake his evil way. [9] Many of you stand at parting of ways. [10] Old way is conformance to rules; new way is transformation by. Spirit. [11] Proclaim new truth; do not attack old ways. [12] Sons of God are “the way, truth, and life”. [13] Spirit of Truth will show the way. [14] This is the way, walk in it. [15] Way that seems right ends in death. [16] Way to eternal life is straight and narrow. [17]