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Acceptance of gospel immediately improves home life. [1] Evangelists to abide in same home in a city. [2] Few modern homes as good as Jesus’, John Mark’s. [3] Founded on full sex equality. [4] Founded on male sex restlessness, female mother love. [5] Home is where woman is. [6]
Dates from Dalamatia. [7] Early home was family gathered about fire. [8] Evolution in design. [9] Institution not much before Nodites and Adamites. [10] Laws and practices in continental nation. [11] Mores designed to stabilize. [12]
Leaving home for sake of kingdom. [13] Love of home not augmented by unwise pursuit of pleasure. [14] Modern civilization at standstill in safeguarding. [15] Morontia and spirit beings have homes. [16] Religion and children are great unifiers of family life. [17] Self-maintenance and self-perpetuation real objects of h.; self-gratification incidental to. [18]
Civilization’s most useful and sublime institution. [19] Embraces 3 essential functions of human existence. [20] Find highest joy in establishing. [21] Home building should be center of all education. [22] Progenitor of true morality. [23] Stabilizes personality through compulsion of necessitous adjustment to diverse personalities. [24] Whole afterlife happier because first 8 years spent in wellregulated home. [25]
See also: UB 84.