“Deliver us from the curse of the ice and save us from our forest enemies, to be mercifully received into the Great Beyond - also referred to as Great Beyond.”. [1]
Most prophets envision the first mansion world as heaven, with a progression to the higher realms culminating in the “heaven of heavens.”. [2] Heaven on Jerusem consists of the seven mansion worlds of morontia detention. [3] Fear of death stemmed from the belief that it would release another ghost into deadland, ultimately making its way to the ghost homeland. [4]
“Jerusem, the heavenly headquarters of Satania, is approaching the heavenly status of traditions, despite past stormy experiences and irregularities caused by rebellion and bestowal.”. [5]
The savages' conceptions of the afterlife involved a future existence similar to this one, without misfortune, with no belief in hell or punishment for bad ghosts. [6]
Jesus went over to Philip, who, standing up, heard this message from his Master: “Philip, you have always wanted to be shown, and very soon shall you see great things, for I will take great pleasure in showing you that which eye has not seen, ear heard, nor the mortal mind conceived.”. [7] Consider the heaven of heavens, where wise men saw the vision of the greater celestial realm beyond the seven mansion worlds. [8] Heaven and hell in Jewish tradition were mainly influenced by Zoroastrian teachings during Persian rule. [9] Life in the Father's eternal creation is not endless rest but ceaseless progression towards spiritual perfection in the heaven of heavens. [10] Only the rich were supposed to go direct to heaven, as poverty became abhorred with civilization's development and property's high value. [11] Some wise men saw vision of the heaven of heavens. [12]