According to The Urantia Book the northern regions have seen six distinct ice invasions, each with numerous advances and recessions, covering North America, Greenland, Iceland, the British Isles, and western Europe. [1]
- The first ice age was a period of extensive land elevation and constant ice precipitation over the northern regions. [2]
- One and a half million years ago the second invasion of the ice took place. Icebergs sliding off into the ocean changed the coastwise climate drastically. [3]
- Primitive man evolved during the 3rd ice age 1,000,000 years ago, originating from the dawn mammals in a challenging environment of climate change. [4]
- 750,000 years ago, the fourth ice age saw the ice sheet reaching as far south as central Pennsylvania and southern Illinois while early humans adapted to the changing climate. [5]
- During the 5th ice age, a new development catalyzed the evolution of human races and marked the arrival of the Planetary Prince.
- The red man's tribal organization in eastern Asia predated and outlasted the debased animal strains pushed south by the fifth glacier. [7]
- The 6th ice age drove the westernmost Andon tribes to become the first marine adventurers in search of new lands free from terrifying ice invasions.
Ice ages occur on a 200,000-year cycle, with glaciers taking roughly 100,000 years to advance and retreat before temperate regions experience around 50,000 years of ice-free conditions. [11]
During the last ice age retreat 100,000 years ago, polar ice sheets expanded and moved northward, making another ice age unlikely as long as the poles stay icy. [12] Hardy humans, fostered by the rigors of the ice age, evolved on Urantia to survive and thrive in challenging environments. [13]
See also: UB 59:1.17; UB 61:5-7.