This page has not been revised yet and it is not completed in a first version. It is only a summarized placeholder for the final version.
10,000 in each local universe. [1] Circuits established in era of Planetary Prince. [2] Conciliating commissions settle contentions between orders of beings on. [3] Defaulting System Sovereigns quickly replaced. [4]
1 Assigned Sentinel stationed on each represents authority of Seven Supreme Executives. [5] 1 Supreme Power Center of 6th order assigned to each. [6] Administration. [7] Fusion with Adjuster usually effected in. [8] Independently lighted, heated, and energized. [9] Linked by reflectivity to Ancients of Days. [10] Mansion worlds are satellites or sub-satellites. [11] Nebadon’s built from 400 to 5 billion years ago. [12] Particularly concerned with biologic problems. [13] Physically cared for by spornagia. [14]
In light and life. [15]
Corporeal staffs of Planetary Princes dependent upon system life circuits. [16] Tree of life provided antidotal complements of system life currents. [17]
Limited to 1000 evolutionary planets, not reckoning worlds in light and life or in prehuman stage. [18] Maintain their own time standards. [19] Observers represent local systems to other systems. [20] One midsonite world in each. [21] Planetary Sovereigns become members of system conclave in system light and life. [22] Planets numbered serially according to registration. [23] Ruled by System Sovereigns. [24] Serve as executive or enforcement units; not adjudicative. [25] Survivors have 8 morontia bodies in course of. [26] Survivors more material than spiritual on. [27] Systems neighboring Satania. [28] Worlds of each local systems disclose unmistakable physical kinship. [29]