One third believed, one third rejected, one third thought Jesus beside himself, all were astonished by his words. [1] Through Jesus's intervention, Amos’s transformation and restoration from insanity was miraculously achieved in front of a amazed crowd. [2] Jesus distinguished between insanity and demon possession, a distinction lost on many in his time due to confusion. [3]
The continental nation's justice system condemns the incurably insane to death by lethal gas, a shocking practice compared to the pleasing methods of dealing with crime and insanity on Urantia. [4] Insanity is practically nonexistent in the advanced stages of a world settled in light and life. [5]
The human self is not just a sum of conscious states, but relies on a consciousness sorter and associator for unity, or else there would be uncontrolled and random associations of mental madness. [6]
Lunatics, hunchbacked and crippled children were believed to be moon-struck and fetishes, as primitive man struggled to distinguish between genius and insanity. [7] Primitive man could not distinguish insanity from genius, regarding lunatics as moon-struck and idiots as fetish personalities. [8] Early man often worshiped lunatics, regarding them as superhuman beings indwelt by the gods. [9]