Man's conception of justice evolves as a means to obtain one's rights, not automatically existing in the spirit-filled mind. [1] Early justice, enforcing taboos, was a negative form of law, as seen in the Hebrews having separate codes for tribesmen and gentiles. [2]
Law is the intellectual foundation of justice, originating in the legislative assemblies of the constellations to ensure coordination while respecting moral free will. [3] Government's mission is to define, regulate, and enforce rights and duties to achieve justice and equality. [4] Justice is the most powerful yet most delicate factor of civilization. [5] True justice is best upheld when lodged in the hands of the social group, not as a personal act. [6] Natural justice is a fictional concept created by humans; in reality, nature only ensures that outcomes align with their causes. [7] The purpose of primitive justice was to prevent disorder and violence by resolving disputes, regardless of fairness. [8]
Justice is the collective thought of righteousness, mercy is its personal expression, and divine judgment is the soul of fairness within the Trinity's love and law. [9] Progressive evolution of justice is intrinsic to the concept constitutive in a spirit-endowed mind. [10]
Creators provide for the fair adjustment of honest differences between evolving individuals with the power of choice, acknowledging the necessity for judicial systems to settle misunderstandings in universes teeming with difficulties. [11] Divine justice demands adjudication of every default and misstep, ensuring fairness based on knowledge of personal motives and racial tendencies. [12] Father's love dominates supreme justice, ensuring that mercy can save before justice destroys; salvation is available to evildoers now. [13]
The dual magistracy in Nebadon ensures fair and final adjudication in all matters except those involving eternal life and death, the defection of Local Universe Sons of God, and the readmission of local systems to full spiritual status. [14] God's justice, which even love and mercy cannot abrogate, ultimately prevails in the universe. [15] The seraphic court advisers exemplify fairness based on personal motives and racial tendencies in their defense of mortals. [16] Fully perceived, Divine justice and merciful love in the Trinity are coincident in the co-ordinate ministry of love and law. [17]
As we ascend in the universe, our judicial problems are first reviewed by the council of Melchizedeks, with verdicts passed on to seven ascendant mortal judges to be judged by our own kind. [18] Innocent beings involved in tribulations of Lucifer rebellion will be adjudicated mercifully. [19] Justice, slow but certain, brought an end to Satan's ability to visit fallen worlds in a mercy-dominated universe. [20]
Justice, as the collective thought of righteousness, is precise in trinitarian justice, while mercy is the personal expression of divine sentiment governed by the Universal Father's love. [21] Judicial review by Melchizedek and ascendant mortal councils ensures fair and meaningful justice throughout the universe. [22] Under the new order of government, local system courts are established, bringing light and life to the system's administrative body. [23] God is just, being righteous and untouched by the deeds of his creations. [24] The purpose of tribunals is to adjudicate honest differences of opinion and decree the eternal survival of ascending mortals. [25] Rehabilitated defaulting divine Sons serve in custodial and administrative roles after accepting the plan for salvation. [26] The Stationary Sons of the Trinity are a perfect revelation of divine justice within the eternal nature of the Paradise Trinity. [27] The time lag of justice serves as evidence of the universal governments' commitment to fair and just adjudication for all beings. [28] The tribunals of Ancients of Days serve as the high review courts for spiritual adjudication in all component universes. [29] The judicial system in the local universe has its roots in the highly discretionary tribunals of Planetary Princes. [30] The Trinity attitude towards justice is a plural function, not a personal attribute of the individual Deities. [31] The Trinity embodies justice as a plural function, separate from personal attitudes of the divine personalities. [32]
We should not apply Jesus' teachings to material problems; instead, focus on the spiritual kingdom and the divine relationships of the Father. [33] Jesus rejected eye-for-eye retaliation, teaching instead to return good for evil and show mercy and love in all judgments. [34]