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Conceived by man, means getting one’s rights. [1] Concept constitutive in spirit-endowed mind. [2]
Collective thought of righteousness. [3] Creators provide for judicial systems to settle honest differences. [4] Demands adjudication of every default and misstep. [5] Dominated by Father’s love. [6] Dual magistracy in Nebadon. [7] Even love and mercy cannot abrogate. [8] Fairness based on personal motives and racial tendencies. [9] Fully perceived,. Justice is coincident with merciful love. [10] Higher we ascend, the more certain we are to be judged by our own kind. [11] Innocent beings involved in tribulations of Lucifer rebellion. Will be adjudicated mercifully. [12] Is precise. [13] Judicial review by Melchizedek and ascendant mortal councils. [14] Local system courts in light and life. [15] Not influenced by acts of creatures. [16] Purpose of tribunals is to adjudicate honest differences of opinion; decree survival. [17] Rehabilitated defaulted divine Sons never again serve in original positions. [18] Slow but certain. [19] Stationary Sons of Trinity are perfect revelation of. [20] Time lag of. [21] Tribunals of Ancients of Days. [22] Tribunals of Planetary Princes. [23] Trinity attitude. [24]
Do not apply Jesus’ teachings to material problems of. [25] Early justice meant enforcement of taboos. [26] Eye for eye retaliation. [27] Law is intellectual foundation of. [28] Might enforces commonly recognized rights. [29] Most powerful, most tenuous factor of civilization. [30] Must be lodged in hands of social group. [31] Nature provides only conformity of results to causes. [32] Never a personal attitude. [33] Primitive idea was to dispose of contest. [34]