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Deity unity is fact of Paradise and in Havona; in universes is an achievement. [1] Disclosed in superuniverses by Seven Master Spirits. [2] Father is explanation of. [3]
Best found through philosophy. [4] Cf: inevitable clash between religion of spirit and authority. [5] Cf: no peace between truth and error. [6] Groups should realize unity in worship of Father of all. [7] In union there is strength. [8] Unity of self derives from presence of Adjuster. [9] Unity of truth, beauty, and goodness. [10]
Grand universe ever seeks for unification. [11]
Cf: Reformation disrupted Christianity’s because further growth incompatible with unity. [12] Cf: time for break with religious rulers. [13] Jesus pledged approval upon apostles reaching unanimity. [14] Pitiful subdivision of Christian believers. [15]
Infinity is unity. [16] Inherent in Conjoint Actor. [17] Material, intellectual, and personality unity. [18] Material-spiritual gap bridged by midwayer-cherubimseraphim association. [19] Omnipresence of Eternal Son is basis of spiritual unity. [20] Relationships existent within I AM. [21] Supreme is basis of unity. [22] Universal absolute unity. [23] Universe unity existential in Paradise Trinity. [24]
See also: UB 56.