Early rulers used secret clubs as a means for collecting taxes and debts, a practice that evolved from the tithe and temple offerings. [1]
John taught his disciples to live by the spirit, not just the letter, of the law, instructing tax collectors to “extort no more than assigned” and soldiers to be content with their wages. [2] Jesus sold his harp and gave away the Greek Scriptures to avoid seizure by tax collectors and pay for his brother Jude's schooling. [3] Matthew Levi was a publican who followed Jesus and dedicated his life to showing that God is no respecter of persons. [4] Peter paid the temple tax for all three, fulfilling his promise to the temple-tax collector by catching a fish with a shekel in its mouth. [5]
Zaccheus was a chief publican who much desired to see Jesus, and when the Master passed by the customs house in Jericho, he climbed up a sycamore tree to get a good view. [6]