This page has not been revised yet and it is not completed in a first version. It is only a summarized placeholder for the final version.
Avoid enslavement of citizenry by state. [1] Citizenry must control. [2] Excessive taxation interferes with individual liberties. [3] Historically.
Half-shekel tax to support Jerusalem temple. [4] Jesus’ family had difficulty paying taxes. [5] Jesus paid taxes to Caesar and the temple. [6] Overtaxation was a reason for decline of Rome. [7] Right of coinage carried right to levy taxes. [8]
Import duties. [9] Inheritance tax up to 50%. [10] Property tax limited; homes exempt. [11]
100% for primitive man. [12] Primitive funerals held up until family donated large sums to king. [13]
Must support state without handicapping industry. [14] Tithing was early form of taxation. [15] Tithing in light and life. [16]