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Among 120 at Pentecost. [1] Apostolic fiscal agent, publicity spokesman. [2] At Jesus’ appearances. [3] Call of. [4] Chased out of Samaritan town with stones. [5] Customs collector of Capernaum; selected by Andrew. [6] David Zebedee dropped bag in lap of. [7] Descendants persecuted by Christians. [8] Distracted on resurrection Sunday. [9] Gave his modest fortune to the work. [10]
Fish with shekel in mouth. [11] Included Selta apocrypha. [12] Isador wrote. [13] Jesus’ avoidance of writing delayed. [14] Retains something of human Jesus. [15] Written for Jewish Christians. [16]
High nervous tension at entry into Jerusalem. [17] Jesus’ admonitions to. [18] Killed by Jews at Lysimachia. [19] Made extensive notes on sayings of Jesus; last copy burned in A.D. 416. [20] Never openly solicited funds from multitude. [21] Noncommittal on plan to make Jesus king. [22]
Cheerful loser. [23] Good public orator. [24] Man with a past. [25] Married with 4 children; 31 in A.D. 26; moderately wealthy. [26] Publican. [27] Tendency to suspicion and over-individualism. [28] Wholeheartedly devoted but shortsighted, materialistic. [29]
Preached in Syria, Cappadocia, Galatia, Bithynia, and Thrace. [30] Profitably liquidated his property. [31] Questions of. [32] Ruth was eldest daughter of. [33] Turned customs office over to his brother. [34] Wife in women’s corps. [35]
See also: UB 139:7; UB 143:3.5; UB 144:1.7.