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Animal sacrifice. [1] Desecrated by traffic in animals, money-changers. [2] Extensive banking system. [3] Father’s house. [4] Gentile proselytes were baptized into fellowship of outer court. [5] Half shekel tax for. [6] House of prayer for all nations; den of robbers. [7]
Accused of desiring to destroy temple. [8] Aversion to politically appointed priesthood and commerce in. [9] Cleansing of temple. [10] Disillusioned and sickened by irreverence of. [11] First visit. [12] Foretold destruction of. [13] Found teachers’ discussions puerile, insignificant. [14] Last discourse in. [15] Presentation as baby in. [16] Questions in. [17] Shocked Mary was restricted to women’s gallery. [18] Spent 2 months observing temple in A.D. 22. [19] Taught in Solomon’s Porch. [20] Teaching in. [21] Thought priests performed duties perfunctorily. [22] Tuesday morning in. [23]
Jewish hearts centered on. [24] Levites officiated services in. [25] Peter paid tax collector of. [26]
Brilliantly illuminated by candelabras, torches. [27] Emblem of grape and vine decorated entrance to. [28]
Beautiful gate. [29] Chamber of hewn stone. [30] Court of gentiles. [31] Court of Israel. [32] Court of priests beneath rock ledge. [33] Court of women. [34] Holy of holies. [35] Nazarite corner of women’s court. [36] Solomon’s Porch. [37]
Secret of Judaism’s survival was centralization of worship at. [38] Treasury might hold 10 million dollars. [39]
See also: UB 125:1.5; UB 150:1.3; UB 172:4; UB 125:0.4-5; UB 125:1; UB 172:4.