In Alexandria was the world’s largest synagogue, ruled by seventy elders. [1] In Jesus times this city of one million people had a good number of attractions. [2] Hebrew scriptures were translated into Greek at Alexandria. [3] Ptolemy’s library had a million manuscripts. [4]
Joseph, Mary and Jesus sojourned at Alexandria two years. [5] The famous museum or university of Alexandria was the intellectual center of Occidental world. [6] A group of five prominent Jews of Alexandria meet with young Jesus to offer him a job as assistant to the chazan in Alexandria chief synagogue. [7] Jesus lived a good amount of experiences at Alexandria on his way to Rome. [8] The twelfth appearance of Jesus in morontia form took place in Alexandria before Rodan and a group of about eighty Greeks and Jews. [9]
Early Christians in Alexandria also were disciples of Philo. [10] In early Christian era conditions were not so bad at Alexandria, holding much of Jesus’ teachings. [11] Simon Zelotes preached at Alexandria in his mission for preaching. [12]
See also: UB 130:0.2; UB 186:3.2-3; UB 190:1.8.