This page has not been revised yet and it is not completed in a first version. It is only a summarized placeholder for the final version.
Abraham’s offspring formed nucleus of. [1] Adoption ceremony. [2]
Carried back many taboos regarding Sabbath from Mesopotamia. [3] Different code of ethics for dealing with gentiles. [4] Distrustful of women. [5] Evil eye. [6] Evolution of God concept. [7] First to put premium on labor. [8] “God of battles”. [9] God spoke in dreams. [10] Looked for return of Adam. [11] Matured concept of Yahweh as Father of their race. [12] Phantom replica of individual went down to Sheol. [13] Physical humiliation. [14] Rainbow was bow of promise. [15] Snake worshiped as mouthpiece of evil spirits. [16] Spirit of God dwelt in stone altars. [17] Taboo on pork. [18] Treated adopted aliens kindly. [19] Viewed everything as indwelt by a spirit. [20]
Brutal and effective raid upon Og. [21] Characteristic facial appearance somewhat Andonite. [22] Crude but far above surrounding tribes. [23] Egyptian influence. [24] Group of Levantine Bedouins. [25] Idea of creation came from Babylonians; concept of Providence came from Egyptians. [26] Moses emancipated submerged remnant of violet race. [27] Nation divided into two kingdoms ca. 1000 B.C. [28] Nation was union of Israelites and Canaanites. [29] National ego depressed by Babylonian captivity. [30] Part of older Semitic race which included Babylonians, Phoenicians, and Carthaginians. [31] Religion was austere and tyrannical. [32] Scriptures of.