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At healing of 10 lepers. [1] At Jesus’ appearances. [2] Attempted to heal James of Safed’s son. [3] Call of. [4] Distributed 100 swords. [5] Fiery agitator; high officer of Zealots; merchant from Capernaum; selected by Peter. [6] In charge of apostles’ recreation. [7] In retirement before going forth to preach. [8] Jesus’ personal admonitions to. [9] Kept at work by belief Jesus would soon return. [10]
Attempted to dissuade Norana. [11] Clung to material ideas of kingdom. [12] Dreamed of new nationalist government. [13] Elated, then disillusioned, by entry into Jerusalem. [14] Favored proclaiming Jesus king. [15] Grew despondent; forsook his brethren after crucifixion. [16] Impassioned plea to rescue Jesus. [17] Inspirationally loyal; material-minded; liked to argue. [18]
Personal worker. [19] Preached in Alexandria; died in heart of Africa. [20] Questions of. [21] Tactical blunder at Nazareth rejection. [22] Turned his business over to a nephew. [23] Wished to deal roughly with Kirmeth. [24]
See also: UB 139:11; UB 143:3.5; UB 144:1.7.