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Art is mortal morontia. [1] Celestial beings enabled humans to see morontia Jesus. [2] Creatures of morontia respirate morontia gas. [3]
Bridging gulf between material and spiritual. [4] Material created by modifying revolutions of primary units of matter. [5] Reflected shadow of spirit; matter is skeleton. [6] Substance of soul. [7] Warp is spiritual; woof is physical. [8]
Forms can be made indifferent to ordinary matter or contactable. [9] Good we do here contributes directly to morontia life. [10] Invisible to human vision. [11] Jesus in m. Known since early days of Planetary Prince. [12] Life in morontia entails real contact with real energies. [13] Morontia life initiated at conception of soul. [14] Morontia mathematics articulates morontia experiences. [15] Mansion world students eat morontia food; no residual waste. [16] Melchizedeks certify attainment of morontia wisdom. [17]
Circuits distinct from physical and spiritual circuits. [18] Controlled by Universe Power Directors. [19]
Melody produced by management of morontia energy. [20] Must be replenished. [21] Plant life modified on each ascending sphere. [22] Slowed down, becomes morontia material. [23] Substance and mind created by Morontia Power Supervisors. [24]
See also: UB 48.