Health arises from the integration of truth, beauty, and goodness in human experience, bringing about efficiency in living through unified energy, idea, and spirit systems. [1]
The key to health, mental efficiency, and happiness is found in the unification of physical, mental, and spiritual systems through the dominance of love. [2]
The first focus in all industry is on health, with certain aspects seen as communal priorities while individual and family health issues are considered personal matters; government intervention in personal health matters, including in medicine, is becoming less common. [3] “A merry heart does good like medicine, seek the Lord with all your heart and find joy in the morning.”. [4] Lut's guardians of health promoted sanitation, primitive hygiene, and cooking to improve public health. [5]
A soul dedicated to the will of the Father in heaven fosters spiritual growth, influenced by physical health, inherited temperament, and social environment, while maintaining a balanced triune harmony of development. [6] Sickness and health are the result of material causes, not divine favor or punishment. [7] The coming of the Spirit of Truth purifies the human heart and leads to spiritual joy, which is a tonic for health. [8]