Harmony must evolve out of chaos, as it happens in the galaxies of space. [1] Harmony is the keynote of Havona, and detectable order prevails on Paradise. [2]
To question “Master, how shall we learn to see alike and thereby enjoy more harmony among ourselves?”, the Master answered: “I do not desire that social harmony and fraternal peace shall be purchased by the sacrifice of free personality and spiritual originality.”. [3]
The gift of harmony is now very diluted in the current strains, which have little inheritance from Adam and Eve. Music is the universal language of angels. Harmony is the language of Havona. [4]
Harmony, the music of the seven levels of melodious association, is the one universal code of spirit communication. Music, such as Urantia mortals understand, attains its highest expression in the schools of Jerusem, the system headquarters, where semimaterial beings are taught the harmonies of sound. Mortals do not react to the other forms of morontia melody and celestial harmony. [5]