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Ascends with divine spirit to Father. [1] No memory, but response to past experience. [2] No mortal survival apart from evolution of soul. [3] No self-consciousness without Adjuster. [4] Possesses continuing character derived from former associated adjutant mind. [5] Sleeping survivors’ souls held by personal or group guardian seraphim. [6] Soul is what survives death. [7] Soul makes final decisions only after physical death, except as permitted by mortal will. [8] Survival gained by transferring seat of personality identity from material body to soul. [9] Transcript of human experience. [10] Unconscious from death to repersonalization. [11]
And the Adjuster. [12] Commit to God’s keeping. [13]
Adjuster fosters soul in mortals destined for Spirit fusion. [14] Adjuster is eternal ancestor of the soul. [15] By man’s urge for Paradise perfection, striving for God-attainment. [16] Child of Adjuster and Supreme. [17] Embryonic during mortal life. [18] Evolves as psychic circles attained. [19] Evolves its eternal destiny by our decisions. [20] Following spirit leading transmutes spirit phases into soul. [21] Grows in and of itself. [22] Grows independently of mental culture. [23] Joint creation of God-knowing mortal mind and indwelling Adjuster. [24] Man must will creation of the soul. [25] Man’s supreme undertaking. [26] Measured by faith in truth and love for man. [27] Mistakes and errors may delay evolution of soul, but cannot inhibit it once initiated. [28] Moral choice causes divine invasion of. [29] Mystery of Ascendington. [30] Potentially immortal spiritual counterpart built up in mortal mind. [31] Severe strain on soul to serve both good and evil. [32]
Fusion of soul with Adjuster. Gaining whole world and losing one’s soul. [33]
Ancients believed soul to reside in various parts of body. [34] Doctrine of 3 or 4 souls. [35] Early Hebrew conception. [36] Early man’s dream double. [37] Hinduism failed to distinguish. [38] Men believed women did not have souls. [39] Methods of soul leaving body according to primitives. [40] Primitive concept was breath-dream. [41] Termed ghost, spirit, shade, phantom, specter. [42]
Judge not the soul by one unfortunate human episode. [43] Majority of impoverished souls are truly rich, but refuse to believe it. [44] Material eyes are windows of soul. [45]
Cannot be satisfied with physical pleasures. [46] Cannot exist apart from moral thinking and spiritual activity. [47] Ceases if growth ceases. [48] Discerns unification of energy, mind, spirit realities. [49] Faith sons know existence of soul. [50] Faithfully portrays harvest of temporal decisions. [51] Feels quality, values. [52] Is increasingly conscious of material mind and Adjuster. [53] Jesus’ discourse on the soul at Ephesus. [54] Known only through spiritual insight. [55] Made divine by what it strives to do. [56] Man experiences spiritual reality in his soul. [57] Morontia life initiated on conception of. [58] Morontial counterpart of mortal personality. [59] Mortal identity resides in. [60] Not discoverable by science. [61] Recognizes Adjuster’s leading. [62] Reinforces supermaterial decisions of mortal mind. [63] Relationship between Adjuster and personality continually changes. [64] Requires spiritual exercise, spiritual nourishment. [65] Revealed truth is supreme delight of. [66] Soul intelligence is endowment of Holy Spirit. [67] Spirit counterpart of mortal nature. [68] Spiritual insight is faculty of the soul. [69] To extent permeated by truth, beauty, and goodness, soul is indestructible. [70]
Prayer is breath of the soul. [71] Soul conflict is disharmony between moral and intellectual self-consciousness. [72] Saving or losing of the soul. [73] Winning souls. World filled with lost souls. [74]