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Always involved co-operation by woman. [1] Benefits derived from discipline of sex relationships. [2] Differs somewhat on nonbreather worlds. [3] Free love never in good standing. [4] Higher standards among women. [5]
Continence cult among soldiers and saints. [6] Instruction at home in continental nation. [7] Ishtar cult was disguised sex worship. [8] One-time embrace of strangers required by Ishtar. [9]
Did not make undue fetish of sex. [10] Indulged sex appetites freely. [11] Promiscuity virtually absent. [12] Regarded temple prostitution highly elevating. [13] Hunting rewards improved Neanderthal skills. [14] Rulers allowed sex relations with bride just before marriage; additional license. [15] Sex only incidental to marriage among primitives. [16] Saw no connection of sex with childbirth. [17] Suspended sex regulations on May Day. [18] Taught sex control; were free from laxity. [19]
Promiscuity in public baths. [20] Sex education duty of parents in Garden of Eden. [21]
Individuals always rebel against society’s regulations. [22] No mortal reproduction after life in flesh. [23] Regulation in relation to marriage. [24] Sex impulses can induce mystic state. [25] Sex jealousy not innate. [26]
All-absorbing chiefly due to race mixtures, Andite inheritance. [27] Bridle passions and be patient. [28] Compels man to think and leads him to love. [29] Do not commit adultery. [30] Dominant impulse after food hunger. [31] Drove man into society. [32] Fickleness of sex urge. [33] Gratification transient and spasmodic. [34] Insures man and woman will come together. [35] Lures selfish man into making something better out of himself. [36] Males restlessness when deprived of frequent sex gratification. [37] Natural tendency which serves individual, race. [38] No human emotion, unbridled, produces so much harm and sorrow. [39] Normal urges not in conflict with highest spiritual attainment. [40] Sex appetite of ancients combatted war urge. [41] Secrecy, insincerity, and hypocrisy only obscure problems of. [42] Society must control individuals’ sex urges. [43] Stronger in men than women. [44]
Social group entitled to regulate sex. [45]