This page has not been revised yet and it is not completed in a first version. It is only a summarized placeholder for the final version.
5% of superior Andites refused to leave. [1] Andites driven from. [2] Appearance of cities. [3] Ararat was Vanites sacred mountain in northern. [4] Baby Jesus sought by wise men from. [5] Caligastia’s headquarters in. [6] Climatic changes effected ruination. [7] Commerce with India, China. [8] Cradle of civilization. [9] Dawn mammals originated in. [10] Deteriorated by influx of Arabians. [11] Drought drove Babylonians into. [12] Early emigration almost exclusively to Europe. [13] Edenites enter. [14] Emigration to Egypt from. [15] Farmers raised animals by 5000 B.C. [16] Flood period in 5000 B.C. [17] Gods reduced to concept of Bel-Marduk. [18] Gradually sinking in days of Andonites. [19] Greek art and science derived from. [20] Idolatry and immorality of priests. [21] Invasion by barbarian horsemen. [22] Jesus and Ganid in. [23] Jesus spent 3 days with delegation from. [24] Mesopotamians regarded disease as result of evil demons. [25] Mesopotamians settled Cyprus ca. 5000 B.C. [26] Nathaniel went into. [27] Primates occupied. [28] Remnant of believers in John the Baptist in. [29] Salem religion in. [30] Second garden located in. [31] Strange teacher from Mesopotamia had dream of Jesus’ birth. [32] Todan carried gospel into. [33]
See also: UB 130:0.3.