On going to a young world, a Planetary Prince usually takes with him a group of volunteer ascending beings from the local system headquarters. This corps of material helpers constitutes the connecting link between the prince and the world races, called the corps of one hundred or staff of the Prince. [1] The Life Carriers provided such volunteers with new physical bodies, which they occupied for the periods of their planetary sojourn. [2] The one hundred, while exempt from the ordinary diseases, are, like the early morontia bodies, subject to certain accidents. [3] Their immortality was sustained by tree of life. [4]
Such volunteer assistants are citizens of a system capital, and none of them have fused with their indwelling Adjusters. [5]
This group, while enjoying provisional citizenship on Jerusem, were as yet unfused with their Thought Adjusters; and when they volunteered and were accepted for planetary service in liaison with the descending orders of sonship, their Adjusters were detached. [6]
These assistants to the Planetary Prince seldom mate with the world races, but they do always mate among themselves. [7]
Two classes of beings result from these unions: the primary type of midway creatures and certain high types of material beings who remain attached to the prince’s staff after their parents have been removed from the planet at the time of the arrival of Adam and Eve. [8] The progeny end as administrators of the planet in light and life eras. [9]
Much of the physical work connected with the establishment of the headquarters city is performed by the corporeal staff. [10]
Primitive mortals usually welcome the Planetary Prince and his visible staff; in fact, they often look upon them with awe and reverence, almost with worshipfulness, if they are not restrained. [11]
The prince’s corporeal staff are usually removed from the planet in connection with the next adjudication at the time of the second Son’s arrival on the sphere. [12]
See also: UB 50:3-4; UB 66:2-7.