This page has not been revised yet and it is not completed in a first version. It is only a summarized placeholder for the final version.
Adamites went forth from Mesopotamia. [1] Christian missionaries were austere and unyielding in Arabia; should have been more gracious, less stringent in social requirements. [2] Christian missionaries wrought confusion in Africa. [3] Continental nation should train foreigners and send them back to own land as. [4] Early missionaries spread culture. [5] Emissaries of Onagar were first. [6] Mistake to force superior culture, religion upon others. [7] Prince’s staff sent missionaries back to own people. [8]
Failed in Arabia. [9] Forbidden to accept fees, create exclusive congregations. [10] In India in times of Buddha. [11] Most enthusiastic and aggressive ever. [12] Spread teachings through native converts. [13] Teachings were foundation for later religions. [14] Went to ends of earth. [15]
Should not require God-conscious men to reject historic leadership. [16] Zeal of early Christian, Sethites, Salemites, Buddhists. [17]