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Believed in transmigration and reincarnation. [1]
Absorbed by green race. [2] As a race 100,000 years ago; or by 15,000 B.C. [3] Particularly subject to extinction. [4] Virtually destroyed themselves by war. [5]
Headquarters once at Armageddon. [6] In Central and South America. [7] In southern Europe in 15,000 B.C. [8] India absorbed much of. [9] Indigo in Sahara carried extensive strains of. [10] Peculiar urge to build; not progressive. [11] Porshunta was master mind 300,000 years ago. [12] Strains of giantism. [13] Usually subdued by red race. [14]
See also: UB 64:6.10-13.