The green race was one of the less able groups of primitive men, and they were greatly weakened by extensive migrations in different directions. [1]
Mortal stature tends to decrease from the red man down to the indigo race, although on Urantia unexpected strains of giantism appeared among the green and orange peoples. Many of their leaders being eight and nine feet in height. [2] Green race wiped out and absorbed remnants of orange race 100,000 years ago. [3]
By 15,000 B.C. green race was exterminated. [4]
The green race split into three major divisions: The northern tribes were subdued, enslaved, and absorbed by the yellow and blue races. The eastern group were amalgamated with the Indian peoples of those days, and remnants still persist among them. The southern nation entered Africa, where they destroyed their almost equally inferior orange cousins and then the remmnants of the victorious green men were absorbed by the indigo race. [5] This race, along orange race, is particularly subject to extinction. [6] This is one race, as red men and orange men, that virtually destroyed themselves by war. [7]
India absorbed a part of green men. [8] Indigo-black in Sahara carried extensive strains of extinct green and orange races. [9] They persisted in Burma, India, Indo-China, and southern Pacific islands in larger proportion than anywhere else in the world. [10]
Fantad is the deliverer of the green men from darkness and their leader in the worship of “The One Source of Life.” and now i one of the 24 counselors at Jerusem. [11]
The green race was one of the less able groups of primitive men, and they were greatly weakened by extensive migrations in different directions. Before their dispersion these tribes experienced a great revival of culture under the leadership of Fantad, some 350,000 years ago. [12]
See also: UB 64:6.17-20.