The indigo race deteriorated in Africa as it moved south, beginning a slow and long-continued decline. [1]
The indigo race overran Egypt, then driven out; took possession of Africa, absorbing other races and forming new cultures, before eventually gravitating to the continent where they remain. [2] The indigo race, easily taught to till soil, became the great slave race. [3] The indigo race occupied southern Europe in 15,000 B.C. [4] India absorbed much of the indigo race, which significantly impacted the early race mixtures and culture of the region. [5] The indigo race, the least progressive of the colored peoples, absorbed the remnants of the victorious green men. [6] The indigo race thrived on Pacific islands, where different races coexisted throughout history. [7] Orvonon, teacher of the indigo races, led them in service to “The God of Gods” and brought about a great spiritual awakening in Africa. [8]
The physically strong indigo race overran Egypt and wiped out the green man by sheer force of numbers, absorbing remnants of the orange man and improving through amalgamation. [9] The indigo race profited the least from Dalamatia teachings. [10]
The indigo race in Africa received little Adamic upstepping, but experienced a great spiritual awakening under Orvonon before almost forgetting the "God of Gods" proclaimed by him. [11]
The red man, being the initial race, stands far above the indigo—black—race, reflecting the superior living energies imparted by the Life Carriers to the earlier races. [12]
The Saharans, a superior indigo race with strains of orange and green, thrived in the Sahara civilization before their prosperous civilization was dispersed. [13] The primitive indigo race believes their ancestry derived from the hyena. [14] The indigo race is usually subdued by the blue race in primitive societies. [15] The indigo race wiped out the green men and absorbed remnants of orange race in Egypt. [16] Riddle contests were used to win wives among many groups of the black man. [17]
See also: UB 64:6.25-27.