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Deteriorated in Africa. [1] Overran Egypt, then driven out; took possession of Africa. [2] Easily taught to till soil; great slave race. [3] In southern Europe in 15,000 B.C. [4] India absorbed much of. [5] Least progressive. [6] On Pacific islands. [7] Orvonon was teacher of. [8] Physically strong. [9] Profited least from Dalamatia teachings. [10] Received little Adamic upstepping. [11] Red man stands far above. [12] Saharans were superior indigo with strains of orange, green. [13] Tribe believes itself descended from hyena. [14] Usually subdued by blue race. [15] Wiped out and absorbed remnants of green, orange races. [16] Wives won by riddle contests. [17]
See also: UB 64:6.25-27.