This page has not been revised yet and it is not completed in a first version. It is only a summarized placeholder for the final version.
All cannibalistic. [1] Belligerent. [2] Converted Father’s temple in Dalamatia into Nog shrine. [3] Efforts to identify ancestry must take into account later improvement by Adamic blood. [4] Fairly industrious away from tropics. [5] Hereditary dominance obscured Andonite type. [6] Originated in highlands northwest of India. [7]
Avoided tropics. [8] Medium- to broad-headed. [9] Superior races; red, yellow, and blue. [10]
In some respects superior to primary. [11] Many desirable traits to enhance primary races. [12] Many migrated to India, Africa. [13] Medium- to long-headed. [14] Orange, green, and indigo races. [15] Referred to as Negroid. [16] Substratum represents kinship of many modern peoples. [17]