Self-assertion, the battle cry of the Lucifer rebellion, advocated for the equality of mind and the brotherhood of intelligence in all orders of government. [1]
The spirit of self-assertiveness, when left unchecked, breaks loose in destructive wars, but mankind can be unified through the spiritual approach of Pentecost and the universal influence of the Spirit of Truth. [2]
Self-assertion separates man from the communion with the Father, as many have hidden themselves away in their intolerant minds and unspiritual natures. [3] The kingdom of order is inherently triumphant over rebellion, self-assertion, and personal liberty. [4] To possess power and refuse to use it for self-aggrandizement is a mark of high civilization. [5]
Self-admiration leads to unjust power over others, while true liberty is the fruit of self-control and genuine self-respect, reigning with love and mercy. [6] Jesus portrayed the folly of prostituting divine talents for selfish gain, as Lucifer and Caligastia once did. [7]