The great difference between a religious and a nonreligious philosophy of living lies in recognized values and object of loyalties, daring to think, act, and live honestly, loyally, fearlessly, and truthfully. [1] Freedom is found only within the realm of one's consciousness. [2] The ideal of society dictates universal freedom, yet idleness must never be allowed - all capable individuals must contribute towards self-sustenance. [3] The quest of the ages for true liberty is rooted in justice, intelligence, maturity, fraternity, and equity. [4]
True liberty is built on intelligent, conditioned, and controlled motivations, rooted in cosmic existence and regardful of social equity, fairness, and divine obligations. [5]
No being has the rightful liberty to deprive another of true liberty, the right to love and be loved, the privilege of worshiping God, and serving fellows. [6]
True liberty in the ideal state is the result of enhanced self-control, leading to altruistic service and the positive progress of individual freedom. [7] Finaliters experience finality of loyalty, love, and freedom as they self-realize the ultimate liberty of perfection. [8] Loyalty, love, and brotherhood must be learned before obtaining true liberty. [9] True liberty can only be achieved under the reign of law, where individual freedoms are protected within a framework of societal regulations. [10] Enduring liberty is the ultimate reward of justice, intelligence, maturity, fraternity, and equity. [11] True liberty is progressively related to cosmic reality, considering cosmic fairness, universe fraternity, and divine obligations. [12] Freedom in human experience is proportional to the degree of doing the Father's will. [13] Through capital and invention, modern industrial society has achieved a higher degree of freedom than any previous generation on earth. [14] Through knowing truth, man shall be free. [15] Where the spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom and liberation from all forms of discrimination and pressure. [16]
Personal liberty in modern homes is not restrained by love, loyalty, or wisdom; a child's liberty should be restrained by intelligent discipline. [17] The imperfect beings' freedom inevitably brings tragedy, but the perfect ancestral Deity lovingly shares in their suffering. [18] To enjoy liberty without license and practice self-control is the mark of high civilization. [19]
The failure to distinguish between true and false liberty is a perplexing problem of the Lucifer rebellion, with true liberty being related to reality and justice, and false liberty leading to self-destructive selfishness. [20]
Genuine self-respect, self-control, and altruistic service are the foundations of true liberty, while self-admiration, self-assertion, and exploitation lead to false liberty. [21] True liberty is respecting the privileges of existence for all, while false liberty is selfishly depriving others of their natural rights. [22] Despite their noble and faithful service, some Lanonandek Sons have fallen into error due to fallacies of personal liberty. [23] Liberty divorced from justice and moral duty is a self-destroying technique of cosmic existence. [24]
The confusion among Edenites with leanings towards unbridled personal liberty caused disruptions and forced Adam to revert to a structured organization system. [25]
The Lucifer manifesto masqueraded as liberty, threatening to deprive every creature of their divine privilege of participating in the creation of their own destinies and the destiny of the inhabited worlds. [26]
Granting liberty to one individual diminishes the liberties of all others, as seen in primitive societies through the enforcement of negative laws and taboos. [27]
The Hellenization of Christianity and Greek philosophy created a powerful charter for human freedom, encompassing social, political, and spiritual liberty. [28] Evil and sin are inevitable for true freedom to exist in the universe. [29]
Urantia mortals are entitled to liberty, should create government systems, adopt constitutions, elect qualified representatives, and choose wise judges for supreme tribunals. [30]
Universe progress is characterized by increasing personal liberty through self-understanding, voluntary self-restraint, and the attainment of spiritual perfection. [31]
Members of social religious groups should be encouraged to freely express their personal interpretation of religious beliefs while maintaining spiritual unity. [32]
Your future course is determined by transition ministers based on what is most suitable for your spirit attainment, respecting your freewill choice as long as it does not harm yourself or others. [33]