The Lucifer Rebellion is probably the most notable event in Nebadon, the local universe under the rule of Michael of Salvington. It consisted of an open and voluntary rebellion of the ruler of our local system, named Lucifer, against the rule of Michael. The war in heaven was fought in terms of life eternal, making it terrifyingly real yet free of physical barbarities. [1]
The idea of rebellion, originating in Lucifer's mind, led to his downfall despite opportunities for repentance and mercy being offered. [2] Two hundred thousand years ago, all Satania worlds faced spiritual ban due to the Lucifer rebellion, with lasting consequences on Urantia. [3]
Despite the difficulty in pinpointing the exact cause of the Lucifer rebellion, it is clear that it originated in Lucifer's mind, where self-deception led him to believe that his rebellion was for the greater good, eventually leading to deliberate and willful sin. [4]
Manotia, loyal seraphic commander, courageously refused to participate in the Lucifer rebellion, leading the loyal angelic hosts through upheaval and betrayal to triumph on Urantia. [5] Melchizedeks' Edentia emergency school studies the problems arising from the Satania rebellion. [6] Satan informed Caligastia in advance of Lucifer's proposed rebellion, leading to the Prince's betrayal of the planet. [7] The Lucifer rebellion spread to every world in the system after the broadcast from Jerusem isolated Satania from her sister systems. [8]
During the Lucifer rebellion, Manotia's refusal to participate in the projected insult to Michael led to a tremendous upheaval on Jerusem, orchestrated by the powerful rebels using liaison forces, but not a single loyal seraphim was harmed. [9] The Lucifer rebellion, the last of 3 rebellions in Nebadon, was the most widespread and disastrous in history. [10]
Lucifer's rebellion was based on denying the reality of the Universal Father, accusing Him of being a myth created by the Paradise Sons to maintain control over the universes, and questioning the very essence of personality as a gift from the Father. [11]
Lucifer's rebellion was rooted in his belief that local systems should be autonomous and free from interference by higher authorities, asserting that beings should boldly claim their rights to assert independence. [12] Lucifer's rebellion was against the ascendant mortal training plan, arguing it was unethical and a trap leading to a fictional destiny. [13]
Lucifer rebelled against the Ancients of Days, denouncing them as tyrants and usurpers interfering with the right of complete home rule for men and angels. [14]
Lucifer's rebellion accused the finaliters of colluding with Paradise Sons to perpetrate a fraudulent myth about the Universal Father's existence and personality. [15]
The Lucifer rebellion advocated for self-government on individual planets and voluntary confederation in local systems, promoting “the equality of mind” and “the brotherhood of intelligence.”. [16]
The Lucifer manifesto was proclaimed by Satan at the annual conclave of Satania, asserting worship to universal forces but allegiance solely to "friend of men and angels" Lucifer, two hundred thousand years ago. [17]
Lucifer contended that the unjust divine executioners could be overcome by asserting independence, as immortality is inherent except for their arbitrary acts. [18]
Lucifer's rebellion was fueled by his belief that ‘majorities rule’ and ‘mind is infallible’, allowing him to defy his superiors and execute his malicious plan without interference. [19]
Lucifer's rebellion masqueraded in habiliments of liberty, posing a monumental threat to steal personal freedom on an unprecedented scale in the history of Nebadon. [20]
The outbreak of rebellion took form as the Lucifer Declaration of Liberty, with self-assertion as its battle cry and promises of self-government for all orders of intelligence. [21] Lucifer rebelled against Michael's universe government, believing worship to be a ploy to aggrandize the Paradise Sons. [22]
Amadon is the outstanding human hero of the Lucifer rebellion, steadfast in loyalty despite the deceptive teachings of Caligastia. [23] The Lucifer rebellion did not hinder organic evolution on Urantia, but significantly impacted social and spiritual development. [24]
Ten thousand years after the Lucifer rebellion, most of the gains made under the Prince's administration had been lost, leaving little improvement for the races of the world; only the Nodites and Amadonites upheld the traditions and culture established by the Planetary Prince. [25]
The Lucifer rebellion ended the first epochal revelation after 300,000 years, disrupting the Dalamatian teachings of the true concept of the First Source and Center on Urantia. [26]
The Lucifer rebellion left Dalamatia devastated, as the once thriving community of nearly six thousand residents was plunged into spiritual darkness and horrible confusion. [27]
The immediate results of the Lucifer rebellion were indescribable confusion and racial pandemonium, leading to the swift and complete failure of the Caligastia scheme for societal reconstruction. [28] The Lucifer rebellion erupted, lasting seven crucial years before the ultimate intervention of higher authorities. [29] Caligastia's perversion of planetary schools on Urantia led to the destruction of educational progress during the Lucifer rebellion. [30] The Lucifer rebellion brought great confusion, attempting a radical reorganization of the whole world by displacing evolution with revolution. [31]
The Lucifer rebellion and Adamic default have left Urantia peoples doubly deprived of the moral assistance and superior physical nature needed for spiritual progress. [32]
The wrecked plan for race improvement on Urantia shifted focus to competitive striving for recognition and admission to the garden, diminishing racial wars and tribal struggles. [33]
Jesus discussed the duration of their mountain stay and the truth of his declarations with Peter, James, and John, as they contemplated the Lucifer rebellion by the fire before falling asleep. [34]
The Mother Spirit's mandate not to suppress rebellion calls for full disclosure and unlimited sin-expression as the quickest path to curing the plague of evil. [35]
No worlds have been lost since the original 37 in the Lucifer rebellion, as the archrebels have failed to deceive any other planet or gain new followers in almost two hundred thousand Urantia years. [36]
All secession propaganda had to be carried on by personal effort due to the suspension of broadcast services and interplanetary communication by system circuit supervisors during the Lucifer rebellion. [37]
The completion of Michael’s bestowal on Urantia marked the end of the Lucifer rebellion throughout Satania, excluding the apostate Planetary Princes' worlds. [38] For 200,000 years, rebels were allowed to run a free course before their eventual removal from power. [39] Ten years after the revolt, Lanaforge emerged as the successor System Sovereign, ensuring the survival and triumph of every ascendant mortal. [40] Archrebels were barred from attending Edentia conclaves once Michael became sovereign. [41]
The adjudication of Lucifer rebellion by the tribunal of the Ancients of Days has recently begun, but is not yet complete. [42] The rebellion ends on fallen worlds as fast as divine Sons arrive, with rebels on Jerusem already having accepted mercy and awaiting annihilation. [43]
Due to Michael's mercy, the leaders of the Lucifer rebellion were not immediately destroyed, but if the rebellion had occurred during his bestowal, they could have been instantly annihilated. [44]
Immanuel advised Michael to end the Lucifer rebellion in Satania as the Son of Man, bringing final justice and establishing his supreme sovereignty over the universe. [45]
During the Lucifer rebellion, Michael offered rebels forgiveness and reinstatement, but the leaders did not accept, while repentant beings were rehabilitated and labor with the Panoptians for the Father's world until a verdict is issued by the Uversa courts. [46] Michael's aloofness from the Satania rebellion was confirmed after counsel with Immanuel, maintaining a stance of noninterference. [47]
Michael's petition to intern rebels was granted by the Ancients of Days, with a single exception for Satan's visits to the apostate princes, pending the rulings of the superuniverse tribunals in the case of Gabriel vs. Lucifer. [48]
The Edentia Most Highs assumed planetary authority during the Lucifer rebellion, a power they continue to wield in the face of the continued existence of Lucifer and his followers. [49]
Most of Lucifer’s followers, including Lucifer himself, are interned on the prison worlds surrounding the planet whereon the Universal Father resides, awaiting judgement from the Ancients of Days. [50] During the Lucifer rebellion, Michael could not exercise summary jurisdiction due to not yet being sovereign in his own right. [51]
The present status of the Lucifer rebellion reveals the merciful offer of salvation rejected by its leaders, while probationary souls wait for the annihilation verdict. [52]
On an afternoon in late summer on Mount Hermon, Michael of Nebadon secured his unquestioned sovereignty, settling the Lucifer rebellion in Satania and the Caligastia secession on Urantia. [53]
Michael offered salvation to those who followed Lucifer in rebellion against him, but they rejected it and are now confined on the Satania prison worlds. [66]
The causes of Lucifer's rebellion included his growing self-assertion and opposition to the will of Michael and the Universal Father, originating in his own mind. Over time, Lucifer's pride led to self-deception, convincing himself that rebellion was for the good of the system. His increasing criticism of universe administration and eventual insincerity evolved into deliberate and willful sin. Despite opportunities for repentance, Lucifer and most of his followers rejected the mercy offered by the Creator Son.
The Lucifer rebellion compelled all parties, including seraphim, cherubim, and celestial beings, to choose between sin and righteousness in a bitter and sinful conflict that lasted for more than seven years. [75] The devastating calamity of the Lucifer rebellion profoundly impacted the superphysical history of the planet Urantia. [76]
By withstanding the sophistries of sin during the Lucifer rebellion, mortal ascenders on Jerusem were rewarded with enhanced careers as future Mighty Messengers, elevating their administrative status and spiritual worth. [77]
Many ages will be required to restore the universe to former paths after the Lucifer rebellion and the bestowal of Michael on Urantia, but order and good will are slowly being restored. [78] Most victims of the Lucifer rebellion have repented and will be rehabilitated, awaiting final adjudication of the rebellion. [79] The Lucifer rebellion and the Caligastia betrayal greatly contribute to the difficulty mortals face in understanding God. [80]
Due to the Lucifer rebellion, mortals on Urantia were prevented from passing directly to mansion worlds, but since the day of Pentecost, they can proceed directly to the morontia spheres. [81]
The story of Amadon and his band of 143 comrades standing steadfast for higher concepts outweighs the evil of the Lucifer rebellion in Nebadon and Orvonton. [82]
Over time, the Lucifer rebellion brought about a balance of good and evil, with the beneficial repercussions multiplying and extending throughout the universe. [83]
This is a list a problems derived from the Lucifer's rebellion:
See also: UB 53; UB 53:3; UB 67; UB 53:7.4-10; UB 53:2; UB 54.