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Augment life’s fraction by lowering denominator of personal demands. [1] Emotional maturity essential for. [2] Lesson on self-mastery. [3] Restraint in all things is good. [4] Self-mastery bound up with faith in indwelling spirit. [5]
Acme of all human virtues. [6] Better than extreme self-denial. [7] Dark ages bear witness to restoration of. [8] Demanded of advancing mankind. [9] Greatest warrior overcomes and subdues himself. [10]
Evolutionary religion provided. [11] Food hoarding developed. [12] Impossible for primitive man to appear with much. [13] Olden ideas embraced flogging, physical torture. [14] Restraint was attempt to deceive envious spirits. [15] Taboo essential step in developing. [16]
Leads to altruistic service. [17] Man must substitute new, voluntarily assumed restraints. [18] Manifestation of greatness. [19] Mightier to rule one’s own spirit than to take a city. [20] Perfect in Havona. [21] Religion imposes heightened. [22] Renders human laws obsolete in light and life. [23] Self-mastery is indicator of spiritual development. [24] Self-understanding characterized by voluntary self-mastery. [25] True liberty is fruit of. [26] Trust is true measure of self-mastery. [27]