Sincerity becomes sublime when ascenders reach Havona, their purpose perfected through faith and trust tested by the universal scheme of survival. [1] Even in material-mindedness, Philip was sincere, leading him to fulfill his great mission on earth with spiritual vision and faith. [2] Eve's sincere project to modify the divine plan was deemed evil for straying from the right path. [3]
The key of the kingdom is sincerity, the highest moral choice is to do the will of God, and to come into the kingdom with genuine trustfulness like an unspoiled child. [4] Sincerity is most serviceable when wedded to discretion in the work of the kingdom. [5]
Sincerity in prayer is the assurance of its being heard, related to the prophet's exhortation to make religion an affair of the heart and to relate to God as individuals, as warned about the deceitfulness of the natural human heart. [6]
Evil is a transgression of law, not a violation of the rules of conduct pertaining to life, which is the law, as falsehood is a premeditated perversion of truth. [7] Jesus' sincere proclamation of saving truth sometimes causes pain. [8]